The big questions being raised around Queensland’s ‘Big Build’

The big questions being raised around Queensland’s ‘Big Build’

As major infrastructure project costs rise and deadlines extend across the country,a state election also approaches – and can help explain some of the bluster.

  • byMatt Dennien


How police leadership responded to union boss’s inflammatory article

How police leadership responded to union boss’s inflammatory article

The views described as an “outward racist ideology” lit up parliament,the media,and parts of community. Emails and texts now shed light on internal responses.

  • byMatt Dennien
Political gags and last-ditch cash splashes:Qld election season begins
Queensland votes

Political gags and last-ditch cash splashes:Qld election season begins

April 1 might be a day to take everything with a grain of salt,but in a state election year,it’s also the last chance for a campaign spending free-for-all (no joke).

  • byMatt Dennien
How (and why) Labor dumped the key call of its own 2032 venue review

How (and why) Labor dumped the key call of its own 2032 venue review

A rare radio appearance by the Queensland premier has shed more light on the surprise move’s timeline – and a key phone call three days before its announcement.

  • byMatt Dennien
Schrinner firms his push for Victoria Park stadium’s ‘compelling case’

Schrinner firms his push for Victoria Park stadium’s ‘compelling case’

Brisbane’s re-elected lord mayor has bucked rejection of a new stadium by both state major party leaders,as 2032 organisers met to cap-off a turbulent week.

  • byMatt Dennien
LNP rejects new stadium in election pitch for fresh Games plan review

LNP rejects new stadium in election pitch for fresh Games plan review

Opposition Leader David Crisafulli has now joined Premier Steven Miles in ruling out a new Brisbane stadium. His alternative is to,again,reset planning.

  • byMatt Dennien andCameron Atfield
On two fronts,Crisafulli’s week of wins shows the LNP’s hard road ahead

On two fronts,Crisafulli’s week of wins shows the LNP’s hard road ahead

The state Opposition Leader has ticked off a key pledge for party renewal and taken a seat from Labor within days. Focus now turns to the biggest looming test.

  • byMatt Dennien
A new generation is talking nuclear power. It’s unlikely to happen

A new generation is talking nuclear power. It’s unlikely to happen

Voters seem more open to nuclear power,but experts warn the support will quickly evaporate,and the risk is that the debate could delay the renewables rollout.

  • byCaitlin Fitzsimmons
Four things to know about the weekend elections most won’t vote in
Queensland votes

Four things to know about the weekend elections most won’t vote in

As all Queenslanders elect councillors and mayors on Saturday,two contests for empty seats in parliament will draw focus for reasons beyond their borders.

  • byMatt Dennien
Free female-focused clinics announced as byelections loom

Free female-focused clinics announced as byelections loom

Queensland Women’s Week has kicked off with a $46 million state government commitment to build four free walk-in clinics for women and children.

  • byCameron Atfield
Produce-aisle probe highlights the rot in parts of our governing system

Produce-aisle probe highlights the rot in parts of our governing system

Seeing recent LNP talk about expanding a looming Qld inquiry into supermarket pricing,you’d be forgiven to almost think they had a chance at shifting the dial.

  • byMatt Dennien