Prosecution rejects rookie argument by ex-cop in George Floyd death

Prosecution rejects rookie argument by ex-cop in George Floyd death

Former police officer Thomas Lane is charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and manslaughter in Floyd's death.

  • byJeff Baenen


New bodycam footage points to more failings in George Floyd's death

New bodycam footage points to more failings in George Floyd's death

New videos show that medical personnel waited nearly three minutes to begin CPR.

  • byHolly Bailey
'The UK is precariously balanced':Government warned pandemic could spark major riots

'The UK is precariously balanced':Government warned pandemic could spark major riots

"Tensions resulting from the pandemic and lockdown have become inextricably bound with structural inequalities and international events."

  • byBevan Shields
After the fires:rebuilding Minneapolis in the wake of Black Lives Matter

After the fires:rebuilding Minneapolis in the wake of Black Lives Matter

Burned down and torn apart when it became ground zero for the Black Lives Matter uprisings,Minneapolis is struggling with the daunting challenge of rebuilding during a pandemic-fuelled recession.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
Minneapolis police link mystery ‘Umbrella Man’ to white supremacists

Minneapolis police link mystery ‘Umbrella Man’ to white supremacists

The man's vandalism was one of the first widely shared images of wanton destruction to emerge from the protests in Minneapolis after George Floyd was killed.

  • byNeil MacFarquhar
'Shame on you,Mr Barr':US Attorney-General lashed for BLM protest response

'Shame on you,Mr Barr':US Attorney-General lashed for BLM protest response

Chairman Jerrold Nadler accused Barr of ratcheting up such confrontations because Donald Trump thinks they will aid his re-election bid.

  • byMatt Zapotosky,Karoun Demirjian andDevlin Barrett
'A fool':Trump derides Portland mayor for getting tear-gassed

'A fool':Trump derides Portland mayor for getting tear-gassed

The US President said"it was pretty,pretty pathetic"that Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler was tear-gassed as he joined protesters in his city.

  • byJohn Wagner andMarissa J. Lang
'It's got to stop now':Federal officers hit Portland mayor with tear gas

'It's got to stop now':Federal officers hit Portland mayor with tear gas

Mayor Ted Wheeler scrambled to put on goggles while denouncing what he called"urban warfare"tactics of federal agents in his city.

  • byMike Baker
Why Trump threatens to turn American cities into a'dystopian movie set'

Why Trump threatens to turn American cities into a'dystopian movie set'

The US President's pledge to expand federal policing in"very liberal"cities comes with constitutional,political and safety risks.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
Federal officers on Portland,Oregon streets alarm US House leaders

Federal officers on Portland,Oregon streets alarm US House leaders

Before aggressive action from federal officials,the unrest had frustrated Mayor Ted Wheeler,who said the federal presence is now exacerbating a bad situation.

  • byLisa Mascaro
In the Confederacy's capital,a new America grapples with itself

In the Confederacy's capital,a new America grapples with itself

Should historic statues be taken down at all? And won’t this simply detract from the real cause:structural injustice in a fractured America?

  • byFarrah Tomazin