Staff were watching movies when teenager self-harmed in WA youth detention cell

Staff were watching movies when teenager self-harmed in WA youth detention cell

A damning internal report reveals Cleveland Dodd’s final conversations with prison staff before taking his own life.

  • byJesinta Burton andHolly Thompson


Papalia defends support of Unit 18 guards after self-harm that led to death

Papalia defends support of Unit 18 guards after self-harm that led to death

The minister continued to praise prison staff on Tuesday after reports contradicting his early versions of events after Cleveland told guards of his intentions.

  • byHamish Hastie
Queensland to ban sale of knives and gel blasters to kids

Queensland to ban sale of knives and gel blasters to kids

The proposed laws mark the first restrictions on gel blaster sales in a state previously reluctant to regulate them,amid efforts to manage youth offending.

  • byMatt Dennien
‘They failed this boy’:Prisons watchdog lashes WA government over Unit 18 death

‘They failed this boy’:Prisons watchdog lashes WA government over Unit 18 death

Inspector of Custodial Services Eamon Ryan warned care needed to be improved for the other youth detainees in the unit at Perth’s maximum-security adult men’s prison.

  • byHamish Hastie
The uninterrupted failure of Banksia Hill – and what WA should do about it

The uninterrupted failure of Banksia Hill – and what WA should do about it

We need respectable bedrooms for our neediest children,not grotesque stir-crazy jail cells,or we risk the next generation being even worse off than the current.

  • byGerry Georgatos
Indigenous teen Cleveland Dodd was ‘let down’:Roger Cook

Indigenous teen Cleveland Dodd was ‘let down’:Roger Cook

Premier Roger Cook said Corrective Services did not have enough resources. “We’re hamstrung by infrastructure. We’re hamstrung by availability of staff,” he said following the tragic death of the teenager in custody.

  • byAaron Bunch
Impaired and detained teen spent days in 24-hour confinement

Impaired and detained teen spent days in 24-hour confinement

A judge has taken a swipe at Queensland government agencies for their management of an intellectually disabled Indigenous boy.

  • byZach Hope
Teenage prisoner rushed to hospital after incident at notorious WA juvenile prison

Teenage prisoner rushed to hospital after incident at notorious WA juvenile prison

The Aboriginal prisoner has been rushed to hospital after he was found unconscious last night in the Unit 18 youth wing of Casuarina Prison.

  • byDaile Cross,Heather McNeill andHamish Hastie
Hard cell:The more Queensland spends,the worse crime gets

Hard cell:The more Queensland spends,the worse crime gets

When senior state government officials gathered to announce up to $250 million for a new fast-tracked temporary youth prison last week,key figures remained unsaid.

  • byMatt Dennien
Qld to splash up to $250m on third children’s prison to fix capacity

Qld to splash up to $250m on third children’s prison to fix capacity

The site will be built near existing detention centres to address nation-leading capacity pressures. But it’s been called a “Band-Aid solution”.

  • byMatt Dennien
‘You’ve known about staffing problems’:Disability royal commission lashes Banksia Hill excuses

‘You’ve known about staffing problems’:Disability royal commission lashes Banksia Hill excuses

Then-premier Mark McGowan took a hardline stance against detainees involved in riots at the facility. A scathing assessment in a royal commission report will increase pressure for a softer approach.

  • byHamish Hastie