Note from Dili:Timor-Leste’s hard-won democracy stands out from the crowd

Note from Dili:Timor-Leste’s hard-won democracy stands out from the crowd

Elections and polls are taking place across South-East Asia,but the commitment shown to such processes in Timor-Leste is notably impressive.

  • byChris Barrett


Airstrikes on Myanmar village feared to have killed 100

Airstrikes on Myanmar village feared to have killed 100

A junta spokesman admitted the military attacked a ceremony held by its armed opponents and said if civilians died it was because they were helping “the terrorists”.

  • byGrant Peck
‘I expect more from Australia’:Bangladesh calls for action on Rohingya crisis

‘I expect more from Australia’:Bangladesh calls for action on Rohingya crisis

Bangladesh’s foreign minister warns of potential extremism that could affect the whole region.

  • byChris Barrett
Silent protest as Myanmar junta extends state of emergency

Silent protest as Myanmar junta extends state of emergency

Junta marks coup anniversary by breaking another rule to extend state of emergency and keep democracy at bay. Protesters stayed away.

  • byGrant Peck
Blacklisted,hunted,shot:The Australian who escaped a brutal regime

Blacklisted,hunted,shot:The Australian who escaped a brutal regime

Photojournalist Steve Tickner managed to get out of military-ruled Myanmar after being pursued by security forces and suffering a major health emergency.

  • byChris Barrett
‘Naive and dangerous’:Australia urged to do more as refugee crisis,and boats,return

‘Naive and dangerous’:Australia urged to do more as refugee crisis,and boats,return

Over the past two months hundreds of refugees have died at sea in south-east Asia. Why isn’t Australia doing more to help?

  • byAnthony Galloway
‘Farcical’:Aung San Suu Kyi’s jail time increases as secretive trials end

‘Farcical’:Aung San Suu Kyi’s jail time increases as secretive trials end

In a court session held behind closed doors,Aung San Suu Kyi was found guilty of offences relating to her lease and use of a helicopter.

  • byMartin Petty
Indonesia’s ‘act of humanity’ saved hundreds of Rohingya lives,says UN

Indonesia’s ‘act of humanity’ saved hundreds of Rohingya lives,says UN

The UNHCR says it’s been asking Malaysia,Thailand,India,Sri Lanka and Indonesia to help,but only two countries answered the call.

  • byLatika Bourke
‘A clear message’:UN council demands end to violence in historic Myanmar vote

‘A clear message’:UN council demands end to violence in historic Myanmar vote

In its first ever-resolution on the South-east Asian nation,the council also urged the release of all “arbitrarily detained” prisoners including former leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

  • byEdith Lederer
‘A remarkable man’:Albanese celebrates Sean Turnell’s release from Myanmar jail

‘A remarkable man’:Albanese celebrates Sean Turnell’s release from Myanmar jail

The prime minister said he had spoken to the economist and found him in “amazingly good spirits” after 650 days of imprisonment.

  • byMatthew Knott andChris Barrett
Australian Sean Turnell released from jail by Myanmar junta

Australian Sean Turnell released from jail by Myanmar junta

The academic was freed to “to maintain friendly relations with other countries”,an official announcement said.

  • byChris Barrett