I’d get on a boat again,I had no choice:Refugees eye escape at any price

I’d get on a boat again,I had no choice:Refugees eye escape at any price

We visit a refugee camp where asylum seekers say turn-back policies don’t work.

  • byLatika Bourke


Commonwealth betraying its values,says Rwanda opposition leader

Commonwealth betraying its values,says Rwanda opposition leader

Rwanda’s leading opposition figure said the Commonwealth had made a mockery of itself by allowing the president to whitewash his crackdown on political opposition.

  • byLatika Bourke
Boris Johnson’s losing streak follows him all the way to Kigali
UK politics

Boris Johnson’s losing streak follows him all the way to Kigali

The British Prime Minister badges himself as a winner but he clocked a trifecta of losses in a single day.

  • byLatika Bourke
Prince Charles tells Commonwealth nations ‘becoming a republic’ is up to them

Prince Charles tells Commonwealth nations ‘becoming a republic’ is up to them

Opening his first CHOGM as head,in Kigali,Rwanda,the future king said cutting cords with the British monarchy can be done calmly and without rancour.

  • byLatika Bourke
Prince Charles in Rwanda pleads for no more genocides

Prince Charles in Rwanda pleads for no more genocides

Charles is in Rwanda as new head of the Commonwealth. Last week he reportedly described Britain’s refugee deportation deal with the country as “appalling”.

  • byLatika Bourke
Disappearances ‘show Rwanda unfit to host Commonwealth summit’

Disappearances ‘show Rwanda unfit to host Commonwealth summit’

Human rights advocates say Rwanda’s human rights record has worsened since it joined the Commonwealth and that it does not deserve to host this week’s Heads of Government meeting.

  • byLatika Bourke
After outcry,Boris Johnson defends 24/7 electronic monitoring of asylum seekers

After outcry,Boris Johnson defends 24/7 electronic monitoring of asylum seekers

Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain has defended his government’s plans to electronically tag asylum-seekers who cross the English Channel.

  • byEuan Ward
Dumping asylum seekers in old killing fields:an Australian original

Dumping asylum seekers in old killing fields:an Australian original

As Britain continues its plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda,remember that Australia spent millions attempting to send its unwanted refugees to Cambodia.

  • byTony Wright
Can Prince Charles save the Commonwealth once the Queen is gone?

Can Prince Charles save the Commonwealth once the Queen is gone?

Never mind the family feuds - the House of Windsor must also navigate a colonial reckoning over the British Empire’s dark past and doubtful future.

  • byRob Harris
Britain ready for ‘next flight’,after halting first plane of refugees to Rwanda

Britain ready for ‘next flight’,after halting first plane of refugees to Rwanda

Home Secretary Priti Patel says she would not be “deterred from doing the right thing”. Refugee advocates call the deportation policy immoral and inhumane.

  • byDanica Kirka
Prince Charles ‘appalled’ over UK’s offshore detention deal

Prince Charles ‘appalled’ over UK’s offshore detention deal

The heir has been embarrassed that his scathing views of Britain’s controversial plan to send illegal arrivals to Rwanda have been made public.

  • byRob Harris