Government refuses to release results of first cashless gaming trial

Government refuses to release results of first cashless gaming trial

A report into the first club to conduct a cashless gaming trial was completed in September but the government will not release it.

  • byToni Ambrogetti


Gambling industry ups the ante on Labor’s cashless gaming trial

Gambling industry ups the ante on Labor’s cashless gaming trial

The flood of venues wanting to join the Minns government’s test run is heartening and is verification that Labor’s initial aim of 500 machines lacked ambition.

  • The Herald's View
To fix their future,NSW Liberals turn to ancient Greece (and Star Wars)

To fix their future,NSW Liberals turn to ancient Greece (and Star Wars)

It’s called Lyceum - a reference to Aristotle. Way to stay relevant!

  • byKishor Napier-Raman andSherryn Groch
NSW under pressure on pokie reform after Victoria orders sweeping gambling overhaul

NSW under pressure on pokie reform after Victoria orders sweeping gambling overhaul

Gambling reform advocate Tim Costello says the Victorian changes,including set gambling limits and reduced hours for gaming venues,will put the focus on NSW Labor to take stronger action.

  • byMatt Wade
Top sports wagering lobbyist was Morrison government gambling minister’s chief

Top sports wagering lobbyist was Morrison government gambling minister’s chief

The appointment of an adviser to the Morrison government on gambling regulation as boss of the peak gaming industry group has prompted calls for tighter lobbying rules.

  • byPaul Sakkal
Gambling addicts used COVID superannuation policy to bet thousands

Gambling addicts used COVID superannuation policy to bet thousands

Long-time addicts say they spent thousands from their superannuation accounts to bet on sports during the pandemic,driving record gambling firm profits.

  • byPaul Sakkal
Crossbench MPs call for minister to resign portfolio over Sportsbet donations

Crossbench MPs call for minister to resign portfolio over Sportsbet donations

The Greens and independent MPs have raised questions about whether the donations created a conflict of interest but the government says Communications Minister Michelle Rowland acted appropriately.

  • byPaul Sakkal
Readers divided about Thorpe’s defection:A real Indigenous Voice or conservative culture warrior?

Readers divided about Thorpe’s defection:A real Indigenous Voice or conservative culture warrior?

We shouldn’t doubt the senator’s deep personal commitment genuinely outweighs her loyalty to a political party. She is being honest in the face of hostility.

Perrottet’s pokies reform is a game-changer that will save lives

Perrottet’s pokies reform is a game-changer that will save lives

The time for acting on crucial gambling reform has arrived.

  • The Herald's View
Tim Costello is not anti-gambling,but wants Dracula out of the bloodbank

Tim Costello is not anti-gambling,but wants Dracula out of the bloodbank

Gambling reform advocate Tim Costello chats to Fitz about his hope for a new pokies policy in NSW,the legacy of George Pell,and how his ‘lefty’ brother flirted with Labor politics.

  • byPeter FitzSimons
Gambling whistleblower takes on Labor leader over pokie reforms

Gambling whistleblower takes on Labor leader over pokie reforms

Cancer sufferer Troy Stolz has announced he is running as an independent against Chris Minns as the gaming industry maintains its opposition to cashless gaming cards.

  • byFarid Farid