Push aside vested interests so Lebanon can be reborn

Features Editor
A soldier walks amid the devastation of the August 4 blast in the port of Beirut.

A soldier walks amid the devastation of the August 4 blast in the port of Beirut.AP

Beirut is an apple,its heart doesn't laugh

And our siege is an oasis in a perishing world

These lines,written by the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish andset to music and sung by the Lebanese composer Marcel Khalife,came out of another August of destruction,38 years ago.

In those days the explosions that destroyed whole buildings in a moment weren't so difficult to trace:they came from skies ruled by the Israeli Air Force,riding in what Darwish called"roosters made of metal".

I have always objected to calling the carnage that gripped Lebanon between 1975 and 1990"the civil war",because then as now the country was a stage for the disputes of powers beyond its borders:Syria,Israel,Saudi Arabia,Iran,the United States. It was also host to Palestinians,Darwish among them,with eyes and hearts trained on another land even as they eked out an existence in Lebanon.

Yet in those days Lebanese also killed each other and some Lebanese enjoyed immense wealth while others starved. And this did not happen because the Lebanese were forced into it by outsiders.

A Palestinian woman pleads with a Christian militiaman in Beirut while a man tries to take children to safety during the Lebanon war in 1976.

A Palestinian woman pleads with a Christian militiaman in Beirut while a man tries to take children to safety during the Lebanon war in 1976.Getty Images

In his eloquent account ofwhat is happening in Lebanon,the author Tarek Osman noted that"the[1975-1990] war ended not because the fighters had come to accepting the others and their understandings of what'Lebanon'is. It ended because all were exhausted,and because geopolitics created a demand for the war in Lebanon to end."

But the killings and the disparities in wealth and the foreign interference remain,as do those who presided over the war,the"tribal chiefs"of each of Lebanon's sectarian communities.

As Arabs across the region saw in 2011 and 2012,it is not enough to say"no"to what has failed,as important as that is. It is also necessary to articulate a"yes"and agree upon what Lebanon is going to be instead.

This articulation has to be Lebanese in order to be effective. When I saw French President Emmanuel Macron,a man beset by political dysfunction and protest at home,plying the streets of Beirut after the blast,I was reminded of what the Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk called the"Napoleonic self-regard" of the French,and when some citizens of Beirut cheered Macron's sales pitch I heard the voice ofnovelist Rabih Alameddine:

Beirut is the Elizabeth Taylor of cities:insane,beautiful,falling apart,ageing,and forever drama-laden. She'll also marry any infatuated suitor who promises to make her life more comfortable,no matter how inappropriate he is.

Conspiracy theories about who is responsible for the August 4 blast have poured into the crater left behind from every point in the political spectrum. But ultimately those who died were murdered by the negligence of their state.

A series of images of the August 4 port explosion in Beirut.

A series of images of the August 4 port explosion in Beirut.Twitter:@borzou

The Lebanese were already waiting for answers from an international inquiry into who murdered the politician Rafik Hariri,the journalist Gebran Tueni,the author Samir Kassir and others. The country's president has rejected the idea of another such inquiry into the port explosion. Once I believed that the key to reform was toget to the bottom of such questions;now I am not so sure.

At the time of Hariri's assassination his allies coined the slogan"the martyrs are our martyrs,the square is our square". But it cannot be that what entitles each faction to a political voice is simply the tally of their dead.

Watching young Lebanese act without government help in recent days to clean up the wreckage of their neighbours'homes,I begin to think that it is the rebuilding of Beirut that will show if the country can turn over a new leaf.

Beirut has been destroyed a number of times,and each time its reconstruction has had a political cast. After the 1975-1990 war,Hariri - a Sunni backed by Saudi Arabia - formed the company Solidere to rebuild the city. You can see some of Solidere's handiwork in Saifi Square,where the unfortunate bride was having her wedding snaps taken when the blast hit.

The company's approach to urban renewal has been controversial but in the 1990s it was a crucial part of Hariri's profile as a prime minister who could get things done and attract investment dollars,in contrast to the militant"axis of resistance"(Syria,Iran and Hezbollah).

Years passed,Hezbollah rose to dominance and Hariri was assassinated. When Israel flattened the southern part of Beirut in 2006 in an attempt to smash Hezbollah,the party made rebuilding through itsown corporate vehicle - known asal-Waad al-Sadiq,or"The Faithful Promise"- a big part of its pitch that it could repair the damage,for which it was seen as partly responsible.

This"jihad of (re)building"left Hezbollah looking more efficient than the Lebanese state. At that time Solidere was going through severe financial problems (from which it seems to have recovered).

The question is whether the latest rebuild can be done along non-partisan lines that give all Lebanese a sense of being invested in the outcome. It is a big ask and many vested interests will oppose such a project. But it could be a first small step in finding a"yes"for Lebanon.

"We won't leave this trench until the night passes,"Darwish wrote and Khalife sang from a ruined and divided Beirut all those years ago. A few lines later they looked around their trench and saw the beginnings of a new birth. Here's hoping.

Maher Mughrabi is features editor at The Age. From 2014 to 2017 he was foreign editor of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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