Harvey Weinstein's lawyers'stopped him'from testifying

New York:For a moment,it appeared that Harvey Weinstein might take the stand in his own defence at his rape trial in Manhattan.

For 30 minutes on Tuesday,the Hollywood mogul and his lawyers met in a private room,where they weighed the risks and benefits of him testifying."'I want to tell my story. I have something to say,'"Weinstein's spokesman recounted his client telling the defence team.

Harvey Weinstein leaves his trial on charges of rape on Tuesday.

Harvey Weinstein leaves his trial on charges of rape on Tuesday.AP

But his lawyers advised him not to speak,saying they did not believe that prosecutors had met their burden of proof in the case. So after the meeting,the lawyers and Weinstein returned to the courtroom,where he told the judge overseeing the trial that he would not testify.

Allowing a defendant to testify can be tricky for defence lawyers. Having Weinstein,the once powerful film producer,testify would have exposed him to a gruelling cross-examination by prosecutors. His lawyers have argued that Weinstein's accusers used him and engaged in consensual sexual encounters to advance their careers.

But if Weinstein were to take the stand,prosecutors would have likely tried to elicit testimony that would have portrayed the producer as a bullish,overbearing figure who had coerced women into unwanted sexual encounters. Weinstein's statements would have also opened the door for prosecutors to call more witnesses to testify against him as part of a rebuttal case.

Weinstein,who produced movies such asShakespeare in Love andPulp Fiction,has pleaded not guilty in state Supreme Court to five felony charges,including rape,criminal sexual assault and predatory sexual assault. If convicted on the predatory assault charge,he could be sentenced to up to life in prison.

Over three weeks,six women told the jury of seven men and five women that Weinstein attacked them. The heart of the criminal case,however,is largely based on the accounts of two of them:Jessica Mann,a former actress who said the producer raped her in 2013,and Miriam Haley,a former production assistant who said he forced oral sex on her in 2006.

The judge,Justice James Burke,allowed the other women to testify to allow prosecutors to establish a pattern of behaviour,even though their allegations are too old to qualify as crimes under New York state law.

More than 90 women have accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct including rape,unwanted touching and harassment. The producer is also facing sexual assault charges in Los Angeles.

He maintains that all the sexual encounters he had with his accusers were consensual.

Closing arguments from both sides are expected to begin on Thursday,US time. The jury is slated to begin deliberation next Tuesday.

The New York Times

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