Pence says Trump should apologise for dinner with anti-Semite

New York: Former US vice president Mike Pence says his ex-boss Donald Trump has “demonstrated profoundly poor judgment” and called on him to apologise after the former president had dinner last week with a Holocaust-denying white nationalist and the rapper formerly known as Kanye West.

“President Trump was wrong to give a white nationalist,an anti-Semitic and Holocaust denier,a seat at the table and I think he should apologise for it. And he should denounce those individuals and their hateful rhetoric without qualification,” Pence said in an interview withNewsNation’s Leland Vittert.

Trump launched his third campaign for the White House earlier this month.

Former US president Donald Trump and former vice president Mike Pence.

Former US president Donald Trump and former vice president Mike Pence.AP

Still,Pence,who is considering his own potential presidential run,said he did not believe Trump was anti-Semitic or racist and said he would not have served as Trump’s vice president if he was.

“But I think the president demonstrated profoundly poor judgment in giving those individuals a seat at the table and as I said,I think he should apologise for it,” he added. “He should denounce them without qualification.”

Trump had dinner last Tuesday at his Mar-a-Lago club with West,who is now known as Ye,as well as Nick Fuentes,a far-right activist with a long history of anti-Semitic and white nationalist commentary.

Kanye West.

Kanye West.AP

Trump has said that he had “never met and knew nothing about” Fuentes,who had accompanied Ye,before the meeting.

But he has so far refused to acknowledge or denounce the positions of ether Fuentes or Ye,who has made his own series of anti-Semitic comments in recent weeks,leading to his suspension from social media platforms and the end of his tieswith major companies like Adidas.

The meeting has been criticised by Jewish groups like the Zionist Organisation of America,which honoured Trump just two days before his campaign launch,Trump’s former ambassador to Israel,and former New Jersey governor Chris Christie,another potential Trump 2024 rival,who has become an outspoken Trump critic.

“This is just another example of an awful lack of judgment from Donald Trump,which,combined with his past poor judgments,make him an untenable general election candidate for the Republican Party in 2024,” Christie toldThe New York Times.

On Saturday,Trump’s former secretary of state Mike Pompeo,another potential 2024 rival,denounced anti-Semitism as “a cancer”,without directly referencing the dinner or the president under whom he served.

But other top Republicans,including many considering challenging Trump for the GOP nomination,have so far remained silent,underscoring the hold Trump maintains over the party,even as he has beenblamed for their worse-than-expected showing during the midterm elections.


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