'Precautionary measure':Harvey Weinstein undergoes hospital treatment

New York: Former movie producer Harvey Weinstein on Tuesday remained at a Manhattan hospital a day after being convicted of sexual assault and rape.

Harvey Weinstein arriving at a Manhattan courthouse for his rape trial on Monday.

Harvey Weinstein arriving at a Manhattan courthouse for his rape trial on Monday.AP

The former movie producer had been on his way to the Rikers Island jail complex when a medic decided he should be admitted to Bellevue Hospital a few miles away,spokesman Juda Engelmayer said.

Weinstein,67,has been prescribed medication at the hospital,where he was being kept as a"precautionary measure,"and suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure,the spokesman said.

It was not immediately clear when Weinstein will be sent to the jail.

Weinstein was convicted of sexually assaulting former production assistant Mimi Haleyi in 2006,and raping former aspiring actress Jessica Mann in 2013.

A jury has found disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein guilty of rape and sexual assault.

The verdict was amilestone for the #MeToo movement,which Weinstein's case fueled in late 2017 and inspired women to accuse hundreds of powerful men in entertainment,business,media,politics and other fields of sexual misconduct.

Weinstein faces up to 29 years in prison and is expected to be sentenced on March 11. His lawyers have said he will appeal.

The jury acquitted Weinstein on the two top charges,predatory sexual assault,which carried a maximum life sentence.

One of Weinstein's lawyers,Arthur Aidala,quoted his client as saying after the verdict:"I'm innocent. I'm innocent. How can this happen in America?"

More than 80 women have accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct. He has denied the accusations,and said any sexual encounters were consensual.

Actress Rose McGowan,who accused Weinstein of raping her,called the conviction"a huge step forward in our collective healing."

Weinstein was a key force behind acclaimed films such asThe English Patient andShakespeare in Love,which both won Oscars for best picture.

He had been free on bail during the trial,and ate breakfast with his lawyers at a Four Seasons hotel on Monday morning.

But the trial judge,Justice James Burke of Manhattan state supreme court,ordered that Weinstein be jailed following the conviction,and court officers led him away in handcuffs.

Weinstein appeared frail and used a walker during the trial.

He was admitted at Bellevue to a unit that provides medical care for inmates,after media reports said he had experienced chest pain or heart palpitations.

The Rikers Island jail,whose main building went up in 1932,has long been plagued by violence and neglect,and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio vowed in 2017 to close it within a decade.

Jail officials could place Weinstein in a private or semi-private cell to help ensure his safety.

He would likely wear a tan jumpsuit,which indicates that he had yet to be sentenced,according to Malissa Allen,a mental health counsellor who has treated Rikers inmates.

Even before the trial got underway,defence lawyers accused Burke of bias against Weinstein and prosecutors of withholding evidence. They also said the trial should have been moved out of Manhattan after the media turned the case into a circus.

Weinstein alsofaces several felony charges in Los Angeles in connection with his alleged sexual assaults against two women in 2013.

Those charges were announced on January 6,the same day jury selection began in the Manhattan case.

Dozens of women have also filed civil lawsuits against Weinstein. His former film studio,Weinstein Co,filed for bankruptcy in March 2018 and is being liquidated.


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