The iron ore giant says the public is being misled into believing that low-quality carbon offset schemes will lead to net zero,despite evidence that only reducing fossil fuels will work.
Carbon developers descended on rural Australia 10 years ago promising big money and an easy fix to complex problems. Today,farmers are crying foul.
The nation has made a multibillion-dollar bet that carbon locked in desert scrub will offset emissions elsewhere,but doubters - from scientists in the city to the farmers on the land - are growing.
The Federal Court has brushed aside the AFP’s attempts to keep secret the details of an anti-corruption investigation that reached the top levels of the peak policing body.
Mounting doubts that carbon offsets may not stand up to scrutiny have driven an exodus from the federal government-managed system.
What was the government thinking when it launched itself into one of the most contested culture war issues of recent years?
The federal government has ordered the review to come up with new guidelines for the treatment of trans and gender diverse children.
Sam Keast thought of his workplace as his “kingdom”;his death there has prompted a WorkSafe investigation.
Riding every point,the supporters of a man they describe as a Serbian national hero egged him on to a victory of old over young.
Behind an imposing facade is the granddaddy of Melbourne’s private clubs – an exclusive and privileged all-male,old-world institution.