Big money in politics will become an election issue after furious independent MPs argued the proposed changes to cap donations will entrench the major parties’ dominance.
A tense stand-off over project funding has prompted Victorian federal MPs to demand Jacinta Allan cease holding out for extra rail loop money.
The National Party has hidden former leader Barnaby Joyce by creating a rule that effectively bars him from making political trips outside his seat.
The changes pleased Jewish groups,which for months have called for a more muscular approach to deal with rising antisemitism in Australia.
In a surprise move,former Nationals minister Keith Pitt is expected to be appointed Australia’s ambassador to the Holy See.
A communications breakdown between state and federal police kept Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in the dark over the discovery of a caravan full of explosive,inflaming debate on antisemitism.
White supremacists Thomas Sewell and Blair Cottrell had their accounts suspended on Tuesday,two days after this masthead reported neo-Nazism was thriving on the platform.
As they gear up for an election year,the Liberal and Labor parties and their state branches raked in more than $64 million each.
White supremacists and leaders of Australia’s National Socialist Network (NSN) were previously banned or censored on X before returning in the past year or so.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s timidity on the gambling advertising debate was evidence of his alleged weakness of character.