How you can shelter $137,500 of capital gains in one super move

How you can shelter $137,500 of capital gains in one super move

If you’re looking to put the proceeds of an investment property into super,you can,but you’ll need to act fast.

  • byNicole Pedersen-McKinnon


My super has reached $2m,can I dodge the transfer balance cap?

My super has reached $2m,can I dodge the transfer balance cap?

The transfer balance cap is a lifetime limit on the amount a person can move from super accumulation phase,and there aren’t many ways around it.

  • byNoel Whittaker
Stage 3 tax cuts are a smash success,so why aren’t we more thankful?
Income tax

Stage 3 tax cuts are a smash success,so why aren’t we more thankful?

The lack of fanfare over the government’s successful stage 3 tax cuts says a lot about Australians’ saving habits.

  • byVictoria Devine
Could a boarder help you pay your mortgage?

Could a boarder help you pay your mortgage?

The immediate solution to the housing shortage is fitting more people into existing houses,but for those of us who own our home,there can be some hurdles.

  • byJulia Hartman