Please,parents,it’s time you gave a RATs

Hat. Check. Drink bottle. Check. Lunchbox. Check. Is it library day? Sports day? Have we forgotten anything? RATs! We need to do the rapid antigen test.

As of next week,with return days staggered from Monday,parents of school children will be adding this to their morning routine,two days a week. For our household with two kids,that’s four tests a week. I pity the people with more children. It will be like running a mini home pathology lab.

The RATs for children are critical to every family’s safety.

The RATs for children are critical to every family’s safety.iStock

As we prepare for the return to school,I’m full of mixed emotions. I’m happy that my children will have face-to-face learning,and that they will get to see the friends they have missed during the summer holidays. I’m scared that they will get sick with COVID,I’m worried we will revert to home learning,and I’m angry about the situation we are in.

So,I’m imploring parents to please be responsible. We need to band together to keep our kids safe and the school system functioning. Please collect your free RAT kits when your school notifies you that they are available. Of course,this relies on your school receiving the kits in time,but that’s another story. We have been told it’s not compulsory to test,but please test. I will be testing my children to keep yours safe. Please do the same,so we can all send our kids to school with some peace of mind.

The COVID case numbers terrify me,but I take a little comfort in the number of RATs results that have been registered. It tells me many people take this situation seriously and are being responsible. The fact that people have been prepared to pay about $15 out of their own pockets for each test is also comforting,leaving aside the issue of whether they should have had to pay at all. My major concern is those who are not responsible.

Our kids need hope. If we all play our part,we can give them a positive start to the school year. Ugh,I mean an optimistic start. Damn you COVID. Messing with our words too.

If you are sending a child off to school next week,please think not just of your own child’s health,but also that of their teachers and classmates. It’s going to be inconvenient to do these tests but hopefully it works,and we don’t find ourselves back learning from home. There are not enough funny memes to get me through a third round of that.

It’s really going to take the whole village for this to work.

Meena Evers is a freelance writer.

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