‘Doesn’t feel right’:Nixon questions ousting of police chief

‘Doesn’t feel right’:Nixon questions ousting of police chief

Former chief commissioner Christine Nixon’s concerns follow revelations that neither the state premier nor the police minister rang Shane Patton directly to inform him that he would not be offered a new contract.

  • byChip Le Grand andRachel Eddie


Port of Hastings wind project referred to corruption body

Port of Hastings wind project referred to corruption body

The state opposition has referred to IBAC documents which detail secret Victorian and Commonwealth discussions about a proposed renewable energy hub.

  • byChip Le Grand
Literally anyone else:Fear for the major parties in Werribee’s result

Literally anyone else:Fear for the major parties in Werribee’s result

No candidate was able to secure 30 per cent of primary votes in the byelection. It’s a warning sign for Labor and the Liberals of what experts tip will happen more and more.

  • byRachel Eddie
‘We failed these children’:Education department apologises to two child sex-abuse victims

‘We failed these children’:Education department apologises to two child sex-abuse victims

The minister has said sorry after victims of a paedophile teacher were subjected to “shocking” failures by the Department of Education.

  • byNoel Towell,Hannah Hammoud andCaroline Schelle
How your suburb’s lack of trees could be affecting your health

How your suburb’s lack of trees could be affecting your health

As Melbourne sweltered through another scorching day,we tested the temperature on a footpath with no tree canopy. The results were eye-watering.

  • byBianca Hall
At least four ABC employees die from asbestos exposure
Lung cancer

At least four ABC employees die from asbestos exposure

Many more are believed to have been exposed to the deadly substance at the broadcaster’s old studios in Elsternwick and the CBD.

  • byHenrietta Cook
Allan won’t back down on SRL. She should re-read her old speeches

Allan won’t back down on SRL. She should re-read her old speeches

The prime minister is in no hurry to drop billions on the Suburban Rail Loop,an undertaking so gargantuan that most of us will be dead before it’s completed.

  • byChip Le Grand
Horror budget ahead as voters desert Labor

Horror budget ahead as voters desert Labor

There is limited room in the state budget to respond to voter frustrations in the west after Labor’s primary vote collapsed 16.7 per cent in the Werribee byelection.

  • byRachel Eddie
Werribee voters face long wait for byelection result in cliffhanger count

Werribee voters face long wait for byelection result in cliffhanger count

The count in a seat the Liberal Party has not held for 46 years has upended the established order of Victorian politics and delivered a potent message to the Allan government.

  • byChip Le Grand andRachel Eddie
Learning nothing from their humiliation in Prahran,Greens will march on

Learning nothing from their humiliation in Prahran,Greens will march on

If the Greens were a party with serious aspirations to govern,they would be mortified by the message from the Prahran byelection.

  • byChip Le Grand
Push for review into shambolic Werribee byelection count

Push for review into shambolic Werribee byelection count

The Victorian Electoral Commission ordered one of its own officials to leave a polling place after they were overheard telling people to vote Liberal.

  • byChip Le Grand