Peter Dutton’s YouTube interview with Olympic diver Sam Fricker has 4600 views,or 0.08 per cent of the internet personality’s 5.87 million subscribers.
The Coalition claims Australia is adding a public servant for every small business lost. Labor says that’s misleading.
In these racially charged times,the opposition leader has returned to old ways as the election campaign approaches.
Most respondents to a survey said they felt overburdened but a similar proportion wanted more government spending on health and education.
As speculation on election timing intensifies,the opposition leader and Anthony Albanese have been using traditional and social media to show off their families.
The new election-spending limit for a political party is $90 million,but it’s just $800,000 for a single MP. Might stand-alone teals toe the party line?
Find out how much money your electorate got from the grants scheme – and where all the cash went.
The moves come after the prime minister sparked a new round of speculation about the election date by making an offhand remark in parliament.
The Albanese government has released modelling to attack Peter Dutton’s energy plan,warning farmers will have to give up water to nuclear reactors.
The billionaire mining magnate loves litigation. Litigation does not love him back.