The health advice is clear. A stack of published evidence shows the benefits and most experts agree – but some scientists are sceptical. Here’s why.
Assistant Health Minister Ged Kearney says it’s important to continue promoting the message that breastfeeding gives babies the best start in life,but it’s not easy for everyone.
The changing shopping preferences of Chinese parents and tighter competition is forcing baby formula business A2 Milk to seek out new ways to survive the headwinds.
Kristy Carr’s attempt to change the board did not come to pass at an extraordinary general meeting,ending a bitter months-long dispute at the infant formula company.
“We would love them to reconsider their position,” James Jackson,who hopes to become Bubs’ next chairman,said after two proxy advisers recommended against the spill.
Peter Nathan,the former A2 Milk executive gunning for the top job at Bubs Australia,says the company’s management lacks the track record of commercial success.
The tumultuous infant formula business has released the findings of its strategic review in hopes that shareholders will vote against spilling the current board of directors.
Corporate convention and restraint appear to have been thrown out the window by the players involved.
The infant formula maker has also accused the group’s former chief executive and former chairman of misusing company funds and spending big on travel and luxury hotels.
This time last year,Bubs Australia was collecting accolades from US President Joe Biden. But a spectacular fallout between the co-founder and her board has sent the business reeling – and left investors to decide the company’s future.