In the name of a good cause,what may be said is policed by ever-more intrusive political censorship. That is how free societies lose their freedoms.
If there were any doubts about the nature of the menace confronting Australian Jews,it has been made alarmingly clear by the antisemitic attacks in Melbourne and Sydney
The Meta boss tied his axing of fact-checkers to the “cultural tipping point” of Trump winning back the presidency. Let’s hope he doesn’t tip the digital age into a dark age.
According to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra,I am not an employee or a contractor. Yet it maintains it can dictate what I can and cannot say.
It could become one of the most restrictive campuses in the country for peaceful protest,intellectual freedom and critical debate.
I was in the audience when Radiohead’s Thom Yorke called a heckler a coward. This episode got me thinking about freedom and protest – and how not to go about it.
You can only be taken seriously as a defender of free speech if you are willing to defend the right to free expression of views which you oppose and,at times,despise.
Sacked pianist Jayson Gillham will come up against the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra for an initial hearing in the Federal Court next week.
As political debate reignites over October 7 protests and free speech,some seek to draw distinctions between the right to protest and what is right.
I’ve been called a “kapo”,a “token Jew”,and a denier of Judaism for asking hard questions.