Friends making plans without you? Let them. Dating someone who’s sending you mixed signals? Let them.
Sarah Napthali lowers her voice over lunch when our conversation veers to the names of the drugs she used:LSD,MDMA,ketamine,DMT,bufo (toad poison) and the rest.
New research indicates young people’s plummeting mental health isn’t just correlated with social media use – it’s caused by it.
Staying connected to work while on holiday makes us feel more burnt out and less refreshed. Why do we do it?
An Australian rugby hopeful has called on clubs across codes to employ a full-time psychologist,both to support those in turmoil and take them to new heights.
We urgently need to push back on unhealthy narratives that demand we work more and harder.
The actor and presenter says “relentless stalking” by paparazzi has contributed to her decision.
Severely ill and distressed patients are waiting three and a half days in emergency for mental health beds that don’t exist in a shocking escalation of the state’s psychiatrist workforce crisis.
Damien Linnane’s 10-month stay in prison led him on a journey to overhaul an outdated healthcare system. Only one thing stands in the way.
Joanne Cockle cancelled a specialist appointment because she couldn’t afford the $380 gap fee. Balancing her own needs with those of her two children is a constant stress.