Bob Warneke made a significant contribution to the scientific knowledge of Victoria’s terrestrial and marine mammals and the natural history of the south-eastern region
Michael Clayton-Jones worked as a photographer at The Age from the late 1980s until 2013. He died from cancer last week.
Primrose Dunlop has died aged 70 following a colourful life among the social elite of Sydney and Melbourne.
The activist was one of few diagnosed with HIV in the 1980s who lived to see advances in treating the virus and overcoming ignorance and discrimination.
Many who knew feisty Holocaust survivor and archivist Ursula Flicker tell of her prickly personality and high expectations but also of their love and respect for her. Her loyalty and dedication will be hard to match.
Alongside famous artists and performers,Julie Copeland interviewed remarkable figures such as Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi and former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
Behind the movies,painting and meditation,David Lynch was a gifted director whose work leaves us with more questions about ourselves than it answers.
Dr Keith Rayner steered the Anglican Church of Australia through the 1990s,it what was perhaps its most turbulent decade.
Colin Moyle late in life reflected on why he had what he considered to be a lucky and an exciting career in education.
Jocelyn Wildenstein embarked on her cosmetic odyssey to win back the affections of her billionaire husband,but her efforts proved counterproductive.