Days before they were detained,Craig and Lindsay Foreman said they knew their travel route to Australia was high risk but they were going to go anyway.
The British prime minister said he felt a deep sense of responsibility when it came to possibly putting British soldiers in harm’s way,as part of a peacekeeping force.
The 78th British Academy Film Awards were held overnight,they began with a rousing singalong of a Proclaimers’ anthem.
Having always believed that spiritual energy surrounds us all,Sophie felt her father was guiding her.
In age of rising costs,streaming services and limited content,movie theatres across the UK are closing down left,right and centre.
The Matildas’ star will face no sanction from her club after her court case.
I’ve been in Sam Kerr’s shoes – a terrified woman of colour trapped in the back of an Uber – and I don’t blame her.
A bitter dispute involving the descendants of Jane Seymour,Henry VIII’s third wife,is playing out in court as the family bickers over a 110-room mansion and a 2600-hectare estate.
On social media and in cafes,many thought the case against Sam Kerr was a storm in a teacup. But inside the court,with two of Britain’s top-flight barristers,it was deadly serious.
The jury deliberated for four hours before deciding the Matildas captain did not intend to cause harassment,alarm or distress after a night out two years ago.