Ten body language mistakes you need to avoid overseas

Here in Australia,it might be easy to understand what someone’s body language means,from “call me” to “do you want a drink?”. But the wrong moves could cause dismay elsewhere. Here are some physical faux-pas to be aware of while overseas.


Smiling can mean many things in other parts of the world,not all of them good.

Smiling can mean many things in other parts of the world,not all of them good.iStock

Reckon smiling is a universal icebreaker? Wrong. In places such as Eastern Europe and India smiling is associated with foolishness,untrustworthiness or lack of intelligence,and in countries with high corruption levels,it can be taken for dishonest intent. Meanwhile,many Australians misinterpret Chinese,Japanese and Korean smiles as signs of satisfaction or pleasure,but smiling is far more likely to be signalling emotions ranging from embarrassment and polite disbelief to total anger. Oops.

Using your left hand

Use of the left hand is frowned upon in many cultures,where it’s considered unclean and assigned to hygiene only. That attitude is prevalent throughout Islamic countries,the Indian subcontinent and West Africa,especially in Ghana. Handing over or receiving items,touching someone,eating or pointing with your left hand is considered offensive,or even taboo. The good news? Writing with your left hand attracts admiring comments about your intelligence from the Chinese.

Feeling annoyed

Tune into the subtle ways foreigners show their annoyance or disagreement. It could be a smile or short laugh,which Asians believe makes the truth more palatable. Disconcertingly for us,smiles are used to deliver bad news or defuse conflict. Watch out for other cues of frustration or impatience,though,such as sucking the breath through the teeth,fan-like waving of the hand in front of the face,or an increased swirling of worry beads.


Bowing is commonplace in Japan.

Bowing is commonplace in Japan.iStock

In eastern Asia,bowing traditionally serves in place of handshakes,but isn’t just a greeting. It may signal sorrow,sympathy,congratulations or thanks. Chinese and Taiwanese bow on occasion,Koreans and Japanese frequently. To do it right,keep your back and legs straight and bend from the waist,men with palms behind them,women with arms folded in front. Deeper bows convey more respect or emotion. A single bow is enough,although repeated bows show particular respect or apology.

Affectionate touching

East Asians aren’t tactile,especially with relative strangers. Europeans get less touchy-feely the further north you go. Patting arms or knees,putting an arm around shoulders,greeting kisses,or other supposed signs of friendliness should be avoided. The same is true of mixed-sex interactions in Islamic countries;but between men a lack of contact might be considered cold and aloof:now you’ll be the one disconcerted by hand-holding and embraces.

Talking with your hands

Don’t indiscriminately wave your arms about while overseas,unless in Mediterranean or Latin American countries. Many Asians consider gesticulation wild and impolite. They may misconstrue it as a sign of anger. Pointing is considered rude. Standing with hands on hips and you’ll be considered obstinate or aggressive;the stance shows defiance in Indonesian wayang puppet shows,for example. While seated for a meal in Asia,best keep your hands politely in your lap unless eating.

Displaying your feet

Fact is,nobody the world over wants strangers’ feet anywhere near them,but feet are particularly sensitive in some places. It’s an insult to point at a Thai with your sole,even inadvertently if your legs are crossed. The same is true across South-East Asia,Pakistan and Arab countries. Keep your feet flat on the floor while seated,or curled towards the body if you’re reclined or seated on the floor. Tapping feet,swinging legs and placing feet on furniture is considered uncouth almost everywhere.

Direct looks

In Western cultures,direct eye contact implies friendliness and sincerity,but don’t expect other people to think so. The Chinese are about on par,but many other Asians – especially the Japanese – find direct looks offensive or embarrassing. Meanwhile we might in turn feel awkward in much of continental Europe,where eye contact is expected when toasting with drinks. Its lingering length seems uncomfortable – if not aggressive or flirtatious – to those unused to it.

Head wobbles

We’re so conditioned to the meaning of nods and head shakes that we’re discombobulated in some places. Indians who wag their heads from side to side can be in total agreement or acceptance. Or the wag could be a maybe,or merely indicate paying attention. Or a thank you. A different kind of nod means no,however. Greeks and Turkish also confuse us by tilting their head back when they mean no,while Bulgarians actually nod.


Generally,Australians wave to attract attention or say goodbye at a distance. But waving at someone – usually a friend or child – is a way of saying hello in places such as China and Vietnam,and is performed up close. In some cultures such as West African,on the other hand,waving in front of someone’s face is offensive. Incidentally,in parts of Asia and Africa,you beckon someone over by making a scratching motion with your hand out and down,rather than up.

Brian Johnston seemed destined to become a travel writer and author:he is an Irishman born in Nigeria and raised in Switzerland,who has lived in Britain and China.

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