ATMs inside bank premises offer greater security than hole-in-the-wall terminals.

Fees and scams:Eight things to know about using credit cards overseas

Scammers lie in wait,and if you use the wrong card you could end up paying more than you need to.

  • Michael Gebicki
Using an eSIM from a foreign service provider is much cheaper than an Aussie telco data roaming plan.

Your questions:What’s the best eSIM for using my phone in Europe?

“Last year in Turkey,Optus had a failure that meant I was unable to use text messaging or phone calls. This time I’m not sure I trust Optus.”

  • Michael Gebicki
Car rental companies in Europe may require more details than your licence shows.

Hiring a car in Europe? Beware this little-known catch

Checking the fine print of the major car-hire operators,there’s one requirement that may be problematic for Australian driver’s licence holders.

  • Michael Gebicki
Wearing a crop top on a plane could be enough to get you kicked off,as two women in the US discovered.

Banned for a crop top? Airline dress codes have double standards

Dressing to fit the occasion signals to the world that you know what’s appropriate. But kicking women off a flight for wearing a crop top,or no bra?

  • Michael Gebicki
Keisha Village,Kanazawa.

Your questions:Where’s a good base to see less-travelled parts of Japan?

For a complicated trip and without a lot of time and effort to construct your itinerary,you would be better off talking to a specialist travel agency.

  • Michael Gebicki
Choose the timing of your booking and flight correctly and you could make large savings.

What is the best timing to get a cheap flight? Here’s what the data says

Airfares are getting cheaper,but getting the best price will depend on various factors. Let’s take a look at the numbers.

  • Michael Gebicki
If you want to enter Australia on a UK passport,you’ll need a visa.

Your questions:I’m Australian,but can I enter here on my UK passport?

“I have Australian and UK passports but only the UK passport is up-to-date.”

  • Michael Gebicki
The couple missed their Thai Airways flight by a month.

The simple flight-booking mistake that cost one couple almost $12,000

When Australian couple Sean Davidson and his wife checked their airline booking,they got a nasty shock. The oversight would eventually cost them $11,840.

  • Michael Gebicki
US Border Control officers in Washington,DC.

Entry to the US gets easier (for some)

Entry to the USA is about to get easier – for a select group of Australians – but there’s already a scheme for smoother entry not many know about.

  • Michael Gebicki
August is prime time for tourism along the Adriatic coast.

Your questions:Is there an Adriatic coast route that avoids summer crowds?

We’re hoping to see some of Slovenia,Croatia,Bosnia and Albania in a hire car over August. Is there a less-travelled road trip you can recommend?

  • Michael Gebicki