Pot luck:Australia’s $2 billion cannabis stock sector on a high

At the offices of Perth biotech Little Green Pharma the phone rings off the hook each day with Australians asking the same question:how to get their hands on cannabis products.

Managing director Fleta Solomon says her company’s treatments are governed by strict advertising laws,so it limits what her staff can say. Despite this,she says the general public’s interest speaks volumes.

“We almost have like a call centre to literally just take inquiries. We’d never say cannabis is or isn’t right for them,but we point them[patients] in the right direction. It’s about holding their hand and looking at how can they best access a doctor?”

Little Green Pharma listed on the ASX in February 2020 just before the COVID pandemic hit,with a simple pitch to investors:to take quality medicinal cannabis products to Australia and the world.

Little Green Pharma founder-CEO Fleta Solomon moved to Switzerland just before COVID-19 took hold.

Little Green Pharma founder-CEO Fleta Solomon moved to Switzerland just before COVID-19 took hold.

The company has a Western Australian manufacturing facility,exports its oils and makes them available locally under the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) special access scheme.

Medicinal cannabis products can come in the form of oils,pills,nasal sprays and other formations and can be used to treat conditions such as chronic pain,epilepsy,multiple sclerosis and chemotherapy-related side effects,though access is strictly limited.

The products remain tightly regulated in the Australian market but that hasn’t stopped countless operators from trying their luck. At the moment,patients are able to access cannabis oil and other products if their doctors apply for prescriptions under the special access scheme for cases where there are no other treatment options.

Licensed operators are also able to grow cannabis and export products offshore.

Investors have been backing Australia’s nascent pot stocks for the past five years hopeful that entrepreneurs will be able to convert their crops into cash. There’s evidence for their high hopes. Americans are set to spend $US23 billion ($30 billion) a year on legal cannabis by 2025,according to projections from business insights firm Statista. Ibisworld believes the Australian market could reach $575 million by 2025.

But the amount of capital invested in these companies currently dwarfs the revenues coming in. The 20 biggest ASX-listed companies with an exposure to cannabis have a combined market capitalisation of more than $2 billion.

According to Ibisworld,the sector’s producers are expected to generate $32 million in revenues this year.

Little Green Pharma is also somewhat of a novelty in the colourful,multibillion-dollar world of Aussie cannabis - a company not only breaking even,but eking out a profit in the first half of 2021.

Solomon acknowledges there’s still a big hill to climb before the sector pays for itself,but argues the investors now exposed to these companies are here for long-term growth.

“Now that the initial hype is gone,we’re getting to the next stage investors who actually want to see a return,” she says.

The path forward

A large cohort of Australia’s medicinal cannabis companies were founded with the express purpose of creating treatments for patients who have run out of other approved options.

The sector encompasses a range of businesses involved in the manufacture,distribution and export of cannabis flowers and oils as well as R&D-focused biotechs hoping drugs including elements of the plant will prove effective at fighting everything from chronic pain to mental health conditions.

Founders and investors in the space are often driven by finding solutions for patients who haven’t found any other options to treat pain,seizure or other health issues.

Cann Group chief executive Peter Crock

Cann Group chief executive Peter CrockSupplied.

The office of drug control oversees production licences while the TGA regulates access to products via the special access scheme. Patients are able to access products via a doctor’s prescription in cases where there are no other available treatments.

And the past 12 months have been kind to the sector. At the end of last year,the TGA made a landmark decision to reclassify products that contain low-dose cannabidiol,or CBD,so that they can be sold over the counter in Australian pharmacies without a prescription.

It was significant validation for the sector,and big consumer names were on board. In February,unlisted firm Cannatrek announced it was partnering with Chemist Warehouse to supply pharmacy products to consumers.

Chemist Warehouse chairman and co-founder Jack Gance said the pharmacy chain was “delighted to be able to be leaders in this area” to bring cannabis products to consumers without need for a prescription.

Cannatrek boss Tommy Huppert admits that while the opportunity for these products is huge,it may be at least a year before these products are registered with the TGA to come to market.

No products were ready to be registered when the regulator agreed to the rule change last year,and companies are now working to bring products,and their evidence of effectiveness,to the regulator.

“It is quite a formidable pathway being presented,” he said.

The evidence hurdles

The other challenge for the sector is the question of evidence that cannabis actually works to solve pain and other ailments.

Earlier this month,the Faculty of Pain Medicine at the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists warned doctors to think hard before prescribing cannabis to patients for non-cancer treatment and outside of clinical trials,claiming there is not enough evidence that it helps with chronic pain.

In its own advice to patients,the TGA advises Australians “there have been very few well-designed clinical trials using medicinal cannabis,so there is limited evidence on its success in treating different medical conditions,or on effective forms and dosages”.

Outside of treatment for epilepsy,cancer and palliative care,more work needs to be done,the regulator said.

Some of the earliest movers in the medicinal cannabis space say they want additional clinical evidence more than anyone.

“That’s exactly what we are pushing for,” managing director of Cann Group,Peter Crock,says.

Cann was the first Australian company to be licensed to cultivate medicinal cannabis under the office of drug control rules. Crock says it’s critical that the sector focuses on the long game,which includes building evidence to get medicinal cannabis products recognised as registered medicines and give doctors the confidence to prescribe.

“It’s understood this isn’t going to be an overnight thing. It’s more important to do it correctly,and not foot-fault on the way through,than to rush through and blow yourself up.”

Cann is forecasting revenues of between $8 million and $10 million this financial year,after it exports cannabis product to German and UK partners later this year. A core part of its expansion strategy is a cultivation and processing facility in Mildura,for which the company secured $50 million in debt financing from National Australia Bank last year to help build.

‘Delivering on revenue is the number one thing they are looking for us to do.’

Peter Crock,Cann Group

While the company is hoping to grow revenues substantially in coming years,it’s also running at a half-year after tax loss of $9.4 million - $1 million more than the same time last year.

Crock says his investors seem happy with the way the company is investing in Australia,but the business won’t forecast its path to profitability or when that facility might pay for itself.

“I think the support we are getting[from investors] is showing confidence that we are[proceeding] in the right manner. Delivering on revenue is the number one thing they are looking for us to do.”

The long-term payoff

Pot stocks have long been a passion project for retail investors,who have seen both a long-term opportunity and the chance to buy in and out of small cap stocks as they chase short-term wins.

Investor Nathaniel Lee has positions in five ASX-listed cannabis companies,including Cann and Little Green Pharma.

He says he’s bought in and out of the sector over the past five years and is under no illusions that companies will make big profits in the next few years. Despite this,he sees long-term opportunity in the sector.

“What is good about it at the moment is lots of companies have been through that new idea phase,now they are consolidating,” he says.

Given that the Australian market is only a few years into researching cannabis-based products,there’s huge opportunity in the commercialisation phase for the sector which hasn’t even really begun.

“I just see it as a huge market from then on,” he says.

Entrepreneurs in the sector who have successfully built healthcare businesses in the past say local companies face barriers because they are not yet registered medicines.

“The biggest barrier is drug filing,a pathway that unlocks enormous potential but can only be
achieved through clinical validation,” says Medlab founder Sean Hall.

“[It’s] a pathway ‘pot stocks’ are generally not taking. Drug filing involves creating a validated evidence package including longitudinal data-approved manufacturing protocols.”

Hall,who sold his BioCeuticals brand to Blackmores in 2012,now runs Medlab,which is focused on research and development of registered medicines in hopes of taking these global.

Solomon agrees it will be a couple of years before patients will be able to go into a chemist and see CBD oil on the shelves,but this doesn’t mean the sector isn’t succeeding. “The costs associated with this industry are really high,the regulatory compliance costs are huge. And you really need to have sales at scale,” she says.

“I don’t see that as an unfair thing,it’s just the industry we’re in. It’s not different from[any] other drug that comes to market.”

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Emma Koehn is a reporter based in Melbourne.

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