Telstra's power bill shock:Energy costs jumped by $200m in two years

Telstra chief executive Andy Penn is aggressively looking to mitigate energy costs that have slashed earnings by $200 million over the past two years as the telco is readying to build out Australia’s ultra-fast next generation 5G mobile network.

Mr Penn told Fairfax Media during Telstra's annual technology conference in Melbourne on Wednesday that electricity prices have jumped significantly in recent years. The bill shock comes as the company is looking to cut $2.5 billion in costs by 2022 as part of a radical turnaround of the business.

Telstra boss Andy Penn said energy prices increased $100 million for the telco in the last 12 months.

Telstra boss Andy Penn said energy prices increased $100 million for the telco in the last 12 months.Jesse Marlow

“Our energy costs went up more than $100 million in the last 12 months,so we care about that,” Mr Penn said. The company's fiscal 2017 results also showed a $100 million increase.

In the past 12 months,internet provider TPG Telecom (which is in the early stages of building a mobile network) absorbed additional expenses of $5 million due to “increased electricity prices”. This was one of several “significant headwinds” it faced in fiscal 2018,financial details released on Tuesday show.

For Telstra,which Mr Penn describes as “one of the largest users of energy in Australia”,the majority of the energy is used on cooling key equipment to stop it from overheating when there is a large volume of traffic. Telstra has been upgrading networks and adding sites,which further increases energy usage.

All the mobile tower sites across the country,and its data servers,have to be cooled. Any additional towers and sites required during the roll-out of a 5G network will add to the energy cost.

Telstra has moved to lower the cost of energy by trying to make its operations more efficient and supporting sustainable energy investments,Mr Penn said. In December,Telstra entered a power purchasing agreement with ANZ and Coca-Cola Amatil to have a wind farm in Victoria provide long-term energy at lower prices.

“The other thing that’s really important is the reliability of the power as well because a telecommunications network doesn’t work without power,” Mr Penn said.

“As a telco we need batteries for redundancy (back-up for if the electricity grid falters),” he explained,noting Telstra has been in trials and partnerships with Tesla and LG.

“One of the things we’ve been looking at doing is putting solar power into some of our exchanges,tying that in with our batteries so we’re actually generating power,and then what can happen in busier or more expensive times of energy we can go off grid,we can actually supply our own and in fact we’ve been doing some trials of feeding energy back into the grid.”

An Optus spokeswoman said the telco expected energy usage to increase with the introduction of 5G,but was working on minimising its consumption. Its 4G network uses"more power efficient hardware"and algorithms that help reduce power during times of lower usage on the network.

A spokeswoman for Vodafone said the company had taken a “smarter approach to how we buy power after recognising rising energy prices had the potential to increase costs”,and has managed to reduce its overall expense.

“While 5G is still in the planning phase,we have already identified a number of ways to make 5G more efficient than 4G,and we will be working to maximise those opportunities in the lead-up to 5G,"she said.

TPG has been contacted for comment.

Jennifer Duke attended Telstra's Vantage event in Melbourne as a guest of Telstra.

Jennifer Duke was an economics correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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