The people v Google and Facebook:ACCC's Rod Sims takes on big tech

It was Sunday afternoon in Silicon Valley when the emails,text messages and phone calls from Australia started rolling in.

The news had just surfaced that the competition regulator down under was about to releasethe preliminary findings from a 12-month inquiry into Google and Facebook. The regulatory departments inside the two digital behemoths had been bracing for this moment for a while. But when it came,it turned out worse than they'd feared.

"When you have market power,which both Google and Facebook have,with that comes special responsibilities,"Rod Sims,the chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission,declared at a press conference in Sydney,where it was lunchtime on Monday."And that means,also,additional scrutiny."

ACCC chair Rod Sims at the press conference on Monday.

ACCC chair Rod Sims at the press conference on Monday.AAP

Sims had been tasked by the Australian government with investigating the impact of Google and Facebook on traditional media. He had assembled a team of 14 investigators,lawyers and economists to work with him on the probe. Half of them were under the age of 30.

Being a government department,they used Microsoft's Outlook email client and the Skype instant-messaging service rather than (Facebook-owned) WhatsApp or (Google's) Gmail to communicate.

The wide-ranging,"world first"probe was secured by the Nick Xenophon Team in the manoeuvring over the repeal of cross-media ownership laws last year.

But,following a string of scandals involving the two digital behemoths,including massive privacy breaches,the spread of fake news and revelations the platforms had been manipulated by Russian hackers,it took on added global significance.

"We have formed the view they[Google and Facebook] have got market power,they have significantly disrupted media,journalism and their business models,"said Sims. "We recognise in market economies you do have creative destruction ... but I think great care needs to be taken when it comes to talking about news and journalism. News and journalism play a critical role in our society."

His words were music to the ears of traditional publishers.

Led by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp,they have for years bemoaned the digital duoploy's stranglehold over the online advertising market,and their comparative lack of regulation and accountability. For a sober,independent government body to agree with this view,following an exhaustive,year-long analysis,was a striking vindication of that position.

Yet for the digital giants,the ACCC's findings were troubling,and risked setting a global precedent.

Among other things,the regulator proposed a new body to monitor the algorithms that power Google searches and Facebook's news feed,and the traffic they send to publishers. It would also scrutinise their conduct in the advertising market,including the way they price ads and claims over their efficacy.

The ACCC also proposed a new ombudsman to monitor consumer complaints (similar to the bodies that exist for other industries such as telecommunications and financial services) as well as measures to prevent the digital giants from collecting data without clear and unambiguous consent of users.

Facebook has come out hard against the concept of an algorithm regulator,describing the proposal as"unworkable","unnecessary" and "unprecedented".

Facebook has come out hard against the concept of an algorithm regulator.

Facebook has come out hard against the concept of an algorithm regulator.Bloomberg

Google (whose CEO Sundar Pichai was grilled by US politicians in Washington this week over similar issues) has been slower to respond.

The two digital giants have a collective market value north of $US1 trillion and almost unfathomable power. They may be chastened,but they won't accept the ACCC's recommendations without a fight.

The view from Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley has a fierce anti-authority streak and typically isn't supportive of added regulation. But unlike the furore over Australia'srecent encryption laws,the response to the ACCC inquiry was broadly positive.

“Coming off the lows of that encryption debacle,this is at the other end of the spectrum,"says James Allworth,an Australian tech executive based in San Francisco who hosts the widely followed podcast.

I deeply suspect that the solution to media's woes is not going to come from another regulator.

Entrepreneur Mark Tanner

"It was clear they have a pretty solid understanding of the dynamics. On the whole I would say their assessment,their diagnosis of the situation,is pretty accurate."

That said,scepticism about the ACCC's ability to actually regulate two of the most powerful companies history remains.

"I deeply suspect that the solution to media's woes is not going to come from another regulator,"says Sydney entrepreneur Mark Tanner,who worked for Google in Sydney and New York."There are legitimate social problems these companies have created with their algorithms,but I don't think this addresses that."

Traditional media companies are bound by defamation laws,the Australian Press Council,and the Australian Communications and Media Authority. That Facebook and Google are comparatively under-regulated is undeniable.

Still,it is hard to fathom how a government body would be able to manage the task of monitoring their algorithms.

"There is not like,one person at Google who understands how its search engine works,"says Tanner."It has got to be millions and millions and millions of lines of code,written by thousands of engineers,drawing on thousands of databases,some of which are truly gigantic. I don’t understand how you'd do that."

These days,Tanner runs his own start-up,Qwilr,which makes tools to create advanced pitch documents used by sales and marketing teams. He acknowledges that the dominance of Google and Facebook is an issue for businesses like his.

"As far as a start-up is concerned,the challenge is that there is no where else to go for that type of ad;they are the only two shops in town,and they are getting expensive as more and more companies move their ad spend there,"he says.

Allworth says Facebook's aggressive response to the report was telling."Their[Facebook’s] reaction was not'we happy to work with regulators'. It was straight out of the gate'No'. Which means,maybe they[the regulators] are on to something here."

But he also has reservations about the concept of an algorithm regulator."If every country's regulator wants to control the news feed,well,if Donald Trump is in power in the US - if he starts saying everything is fake news,do we really want him having the power to implement that on Facebook? Maybe a regulator tweaking the algorithm is going to work in a way that you really don’t want it to work.”

An international outlook

After Sims finished his press conference in Sydney,he immediately starting working the phones,calling his counterparts within the international regulatory community and the influential Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,to drum up support for his proposals.

He has been flooded with speaking offers and will visit the US early next year to talk through his ideas. Sims has made little secret of his desire to generate global momentum for the measures he unveiled this week.

"Our report is extremely timely. Governments overseas are looking at Facebook and Google,we have come up with information that others haven't had,"he said."Our report will feed into that international discussion of these issues. We are very well connected with our international counterparts."

The tech companies are expected to formally respond in February. Then,in June,the ACCC will deliver its final report,with recommendations to the government.

It might well be a different government by then,with a federal election likely in May. But that is unlikely to change the politics of this report. It is hard to see anyone opposing more regulation of the digital giants (or conversely,standing up for them).

"We would argue consumers underestimate how much of their data is being collected from them,and overestimate the level of control they have over that,"Sims said this week.

"You can't separate privacy from looking at Google and Facebook. Their business system is gathering data about you and they do that in many more ways than you think."

John McDuling is National Business Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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