Rise in Australian whistleblowers tipping off US securities regulator

Dozens of Australians in the past year have reported suspected fraud or misconduct to the US securities regulator,with the number of whistleblowers from this country almost doubling in 12 months.

The annual report of the US Securities and Exchange Commission's Office of the Whistleblower,released overnight,reveals that 29 people based in Australia contacted the SEC with tip-offs in 2013-14 – almost double the 15 who contacted the agency in 2012-13.

Australia ranked in the top five foreign countries that were sources of tip-offs for the 12 months to September 30,behind the United Kingdom,India,Canada and China. The year before it ranked seventh,edged out by Ireland and Russia.

The SEC has a reward program for whistleblowers whose tip-offs lead to successful enforcement actions netting penalties of at least US$1 million.

Successful whistleblowers are given between 10 per cent and 30 per cent of money recouped for the state.

The rise in the number of Australians contacting the SEC follows criticism of Australia's own protections for private sector whistleblowers and the way the Australian Securities and Investments Commissions has dealt with whistleblowers. A number of groups and experts,and ASIC itself,have called for reforms to the laws,with AJ Brown,from Griffith University's Centre for Governance and Public Policy this year describing them as"patchy,limited and far from international best practice".

ASIC has said it has improved its dealings with whistleblowers after it was slammed by a senate committee inquiry,which investigated ASIC's performance in the wake of the CBA financial planning scandal.

The senate inquiry made a series of recommendations for boosting corporate whistleblower protections in Australia,including that ASIC establish its own Office of the Whistleblower.

The inquiry also called for Australia to consider reward-based incentives for whistleblowers,modelled on those at the SEC and other US agencies,The SEC's annual report also revealed that,under its whistleblower reward program,it had made payouts to nine people in 2013-14 - including a record payout of US$30 million to a whistleblower living in a foreign country.

Sean McKessy,the chief of the SEC's Office of the Whistleblower,said the record payout demonstrated the reward program's"international reach". It was one of four SEC payments that have so far been made to whistleblowers not living in the US.

"We hope that awards like this one will incentivise company and industry insiders,or others who may have knowledge of possible federal securities law violations,both in the U.S. and abroad,to come forward and report their information promptly to the Commission,"he said in the annual report.

Overall tips to the SEC from potential whistleblowers had surged by more than 20 per cent,to 3620,on matters including disclosure,insider trading,foreign corruption and market manipulation.

The SEC paid awards to more individuals in the 12 months to September 30 than it had in all previous years combined.

Other US agencies,including the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service,run similar schemes for whistleblowers.

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