Confrontation in the workplace:‘I got yelled at,and I still can’t work out why’

Freelance writer


Lunch breaks in our break room are usually a tame affair,but a while ago I got yelled at,and I still can’t work out why. We were discussing a work task everyone in the room was familiar with. It’s a common task in our department and there are many different ways to tackle it. I mentioned the way I go about it,and suddenly my colleague began a furious rant at me.

They seemed somehow offended by my method,even though I never mentioned that it was the only way or that other ways were worse. Am I missing something that made me deserve this?

Office politics could be one explanation for an outburst in the break room.

Office politics could be one explanation for an outburst in the break room.Fairfax


I asked Dr Anna Kiaos from the Discipline of Psychiatry and Mental Health at the University of NSW what might explain this outburst. Her research explores the boundary between psychology and sociology. She told me that such situations are “all too common” in workplaces and because they’re hazardous to mental health,should be avoided if possible.

“There is much to be said about the context concerning interpersonal exchanges of this nature,and as puzzling as they might seem at the time,if we take a step back and ask ourselves,‘What is really going on here?’,useful,accurate and illuminating interpretations often come to mind.”

Dr Kiaos said she would provide two perspectives to illustrate her point,but was cognisant that “there are countless others”.

“The first might be called the psychological perspective. Without further context,it appears to me the individual was unconsciously triggered by the conversation.

“Of course,the more important question is ‘Why?’. If we take the situation at face value,expressing discontent vehemently in a public space such as a workplace tea-room raises important questions about what is to be gained or lost by doing so.”

In your question you alluded to the fact that perhaps you’d done something to “deserve this”. It sounds like you’re at a loss as to what,if anything,you might have done to provoke such anger. Dr Kiaos said it was healthy “to reflect upon one’s potential failure in the situation”.

If,as you said,your ‘inciting’ comment was innocuous,Dr Kiaos says it could be that your colleague was reacting to something that happened to them or between you in the past.

“Could it be that the tea-room encounter was interpreted,albeit badly,as an opportunity to express a previously held opinion about the reader? There is much research to support the notion that past traumas often find channels for expression in everyday life until they are somewhat transcended.

“People can be triggered for a whole host of reasons,from someone’s voice to the content of a conversation,and everything in between.”

Dr Kiaos said the second perspective could be categorised as sociological.

“Employees are constantly evaluating one another in relation to conforming to a workplace’s social reality. In healthy organisational cultures,with healthy rules for language and behaviour,these sorts of situations are unlikely to eventuate.

“However,in organisational cultures that are poorly functioning,the dramaturgical or performative nature of an exchange like this could be the culprit. That is,could the public space of a tea-room be used to build an alliance in one’s favour by provoking an attack? Could it be a way of finding out what sort of support there is for either party?”

In thinking about this point of view,Dr Kiaos said you might want to consider who was present besides you two,whether authority figures were privy to the exchange,and what happened after.

What should you do now or – goodness forbid – if such a thing happens again? Dr Kiaos said it’s worth keeping in mind that there’s a good chance this person regrets their behaviour.

“I recommend remaining curious,staying very present and actively engaging in a process of broad and narrow interpretation,perhaps even oscillating between the two – from the sociological to the psychological and vice versa.

“Coming from a place of curiosity is a worthwhile pursuit. Ask thoughtful questions and,as hard as it might seem at the time,try to withhold from reciprocating an attack. If the attack occurred because of being triggered,eventually that person will likely reflect on their behaviour,apologise,and perhaps might even thank them for expressing some interest in their opinion.”

There is,Dr Kiaos said,“always something to be learned by taking various perspectives”.

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Jonathan Rivett is a freelance writer. He writes The Age workplace column Work Therapy.

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