How to retire sooner with less (and still be comfortable)

How to retire sooner with less (and still be comfortable)

Here’s what to consider if you want to retire before you reach age pension age but don’t have a big superannuation balance.

  • byBec Wilson


There are four types of modern retirees. Which one are you?

There are four types of modern retirees. Which one are you?

Retirement age and the concept of retirement in Australia is changing dramatically,and there are four distinct approaches emerging.

  • byBec Wilson
Six financial foundations you need in place (long) before retiring

Six financial foundations you need in place (long) before retiring

When you look at people retiring comfortably today,it’s easy to see what the most important foundations of a happy retirement are.

  • byBec Wilson
You’ll probably live longer than you think,so start planning now

You’ll probably live longer than you think,so start planning now

Life expectancies are changing rapidly,with 42-year-olds today possibly living until 99. It’s key to factor this into your retirement planning.

  • byBec Wilson
Could grandparents be our biggest financial influencers?

Could grandparents be our biggest financial influencers?

Teaching the younger generation how to be frugal with their cash can be valuable wisdom for grandparents to impart,but it’s become more difficult to do.

  • byBec Wilson
Cash is dead. Why are we still pretending it isn’t?

Cash is dead. Why are we still pretending it isn’t?

Cash will be gone in just seven years time,but many of us are still trying to hold on to the past. It’s time we move forward and embrace it.

  • byBec Wilson
Seven secrets to getting juicy deals on retirement travel

Seven secrets to getting juicy deals on retirement travel

The sector serving retirees with travel is packed with well-kept secrets. Today,I’m going to share a few of the finest.

  • byBec Wilson
Why is retirement spending so difficult to navigate?

Why is retirement spending so difficult to navigate?

Super through our working life is relatively straightforward. The retirement phase presents an entirely different situation.

  • byBec Wilson
What a modern retirement plan should look like

What a modern retirement plan should look like

Retirement has gone from a time when we stepped back into the shadows to being one of the most exciting phases of our lives. Here’s how to plan for it.

  • byBec Wilson
How to live better now we’re living longer

How to live better now we’re living longer

It’s likely we’ll all live much longer,and we want those years to be good years. Here’s how to make that happen.

  • byBec Wilson
Want to feel fulfilled in retirement? Work out your ‘tipping point’

Want to feel fulfilled in retirement? Work out your ‘tipping point’

As life expectancy increases,many are rejecting the all-or-nothing concept of retirement,and looking for ways to stay fulfilled in our older age.

  • byBec Wilson