Every clash I had with George Pell made me wish I had the umpire’s whistle

Every clash I had with George Pell made me wish I had the umpire’s whistle

I first met Pell on the football field in the early 1960s. He was a ruckman – a good footballer,but very rough – and I was the umpire. I awarded quite a few free kicks against him.

  • byPaul Collins


After Benedict’s death,thoughts turn to Francis’ successor

After Benedict’s death,thoughts turn to Francis’ successor

Western opponents of the current Pope’s agenda include former Trump adviser Steve Bannon. Could they champion an African cardinal to succeed him?

  • byPaul Collins
Historic gathering with bland agenda unlikely to stem decay in the Catholic Church

Historic gathering with bland agenda unlikely to stem decay in the Catholic Church

Many committed Catholics have already lost faith that hard questions will either be asked or answered.

  • byPaul Collins