Tackling the risky business of child-rearing

Lost art of tree climbing:the process of working out which branches they can and can’t reach is a chance for them to learn about their own limitations and their risk profile.

Lost art of tree climbing:the process of working out which branches they can and can’t reach is a chance for them to learn about their own limitations and their risk profile.Jessica Hromas

A few years ago I was attending the baptism of a friend’s child and the priest asked what kind of person the parents wanted their child to be. I often think about this question and the answers it prompts. We want children to be kind. We want them to have perspective and empathy and compassion:empathy is feeling another person’s emotions;compassion has the added element of wanting to help someone without their problems becoming yours. We want our children to be resilient and self-aware. We want them to be resourceful and respectful,and we want them ready to face the world as responsible adults.

But amid all these desires we seem to have fallen into the trap of thinking we are responsible for every single one of our child’s positive characteristics,and even more so any negative ones. Millennial kids (like me) and older generations almost certainly didn’t have our parents standing next to us with a clipboard and pen checking that we were achieving KPIs. Curiosity? Bucketloads. Resilience? Room for improvement. Instead,they let us learn and develop these skills ourselves.

Parenting has changed in the past 40 years. Our expectations of parents have increased incrementally from the 1980s,with the rise of helicopter parenting (overprotective “hovering” that discourages a child’s independence) and mother guilt,not to mention working-mother guilt and stay-at-home-mother guilt. Parenting,especially mothering,has more guilt associated with it than a confessional. And there seems to be a divide in society:on the one side there is this Victorian-era “children must be seen and not heard” philosophy,where parents bring pre-emptive earbuds for their fellow passengers when they are flying with a baby;and the other a view that kids should always be able to be kids,and that parents (and other adults) should change their plans to accommodate that. I generally support the latter,but we probably need to find a midpoint – and stop judging parents. Then COVID-19 happened,and parents were shocked by those who either had to or chose to keep sending their kids to day care or school. Running a full day of learning with a child while also working a full-time job became the final frontier of parenting.

Even before coronavirus,parenting had become a lot more risk-averse. Helicopter parenting isn’t a new concept. Those stories of kids being told to go out and play and come home when the street lights came on are not the stories of 20- or even 30-somethings anymore;they are the stories of their grandparents. We have generations that have been sheltered from risks,and taught to see the world as an inherently risky place. This is not to discount the very real risks the world can pose,especially for children. But measured,limited and monitored risk-taking for children is one pathway to them becoming resilient,confident adults.

Daisy Turnbull Brown is director of wellbeing at St Catherine’s School in Waverley and the author of 50 Risks to Take with Your Kids.

Daisy Turnbull Brown is director of wellbeing at St Catherine’s School in Waverley and the author of 50 Risks to Take with Your Kids.Janie Barrett


There is nothing quite as unhelpful as a helpful toddler. Hours of productivity have been wasted allowing toddlers to help-not-help cut vegetables,or fold laundry. A two-year-old is not going to be able to put their laundry away. A three-year-old is probably not going to put it away properly. A four-year-old might,and a five-year-old absolutely should be able to. But,as with many things in life,we can only put our laundry away properly if we’ve had the opportunity to do it badly multiple times previously.

It is tempting to distract your kids with TV so you can have a moment to put away the laundry,or pack away the shopping,but sometimes it is better to let your child help-not-help,even when you just want to get the job done. A child who is helping-not-helping is learning how to actually help,and they will eventually get better at it. They are seeing the jobs their parents do around the house,and letting them get involved means they won’t feel as though they are entitled to not do those jobs.

Start with small tasks,and focus on consistency over perfectionism. Eventually,give them their own list of jobs. Mix it up between individual jobs (cleaning their lunch box) and family jobs (tidying the living room),so it’s clear that they are not only responsible for themselves,they are also a part of a family unit. Sure,each job might take twice as long to do at first,but eventually,you may not have to do the job at all. And bonus – you have raised a child who understands the importance of people helping each other.

Climb a tree

Tree climbing is a bit of a lost art. Many people don’t have a big tree in their backyard,and most playgrounds are focused on equipment rather than nature. However,tree climbing has been shown to have both physical and cognitive benefits,helping children develop co-ordination and strength as well as confidence and problem-solving skills.

So take your kids to a park that has some big trees (with accessible first branches) and let them try climbing. Try not to help them – let them figure it out themselves. The process of working out which branches they can and can’t reach is a chance for them to learn about their own limitations and their risk profile. You might feel the need to hover around like a clown with a trampoline the first few times,but just remember,we are descended from apes,and they’re pretty good in trees.

Climbing trees is also about being in nature. Bugs can be watched;leaves and flowers can be collected. Spending time in nature gives your children a greater understanding of their world,and the effects we have on it. Nature play also improves fitness and motor skills,and provides greater open-ended ways for children to develop their imaginations.

There are nature-based kindergartens opening all over the world,recreating what used to be a standard in many childhoods. You don’t need to enrol your kid in a nature-based play activity though,you just need to get them comfortable being outside – and perhaps up a tree.

Make friends with adults

When your child is no longer an attached infant,it can still feel risky to “hand them over” to another adult,even when that adult is someone you know well. Without considering any actual dangers,what if your kid blurts out something embarrassing about your own life? Kids have no filter – Alice once shared with everyone at day care that I “got in trouble at work for knitting”. I didn’t).

For all the talk we have about it taking a “village” to raise a child,we don’t seem to rely on others as often as we should. Whether it is a grandparent,an aunty,a godparent,a nanny or a day-care educator,it is incredibly important for children to develop strong emotional relationships with charismatic adults who are not their parents,who they can talk to openly and frankly about anything,including when they think you are being unfair. Parenting author Maggie Dent refers to these people as “lighthouses”,and family psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg argues that having another adult in a child’s life is a key factor in them growing up to be a resilient adult.

These days it’s rare to find multiple generations living under the same roof,or even in the same city,and there is a tendency to socialise with other families so the kids can hang out with other kids. That means these relationships often need to be sought out rather than stumbled upon. So,when you notice that your child has a favourite aunty,or clicks with a family friend who you trust,nurture that relationship by inviting them around,or asking them to take your child to the park. Encourage phone conversations and FaceTime with them. Later on,especially in the teenage years,that adult will be a great source of wisdom and perspective.

Daisy Turnbull’s new book 50 Risks to Take with Your Kids.

Daisy Turnbull’s new book 50 Risks to Take with Your Kids.Hardie Grant

This is an edited extract from50 Risks to Take with your Kids by Daisy Turnbull,Hardie Grant ($24.99),released on February 17.

Daisy Turnbull is a teacher and the author of 50 Risks with Kids and 50 Questions to Ask Your Teens.

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