‘Lockdown has been great for us’:The comedians laughing through lockdown

Satirical news sites such asThe Betoota Advocate,The Chaser andDouble Bay Today have surged in popularity during lockdown as people tire of endless grim headlines.

Charles Firth,a founding member ofThe Chaser team and managing editor of Chaser.com,says traffic to the site has more than doubled since lockdown began.

“Lockdown has been great for us . . . it’s the best we’ve ever done,” he says.

Firth jokes that what setsThe Chaser apart from other satire publications is its content is “actually funny”,national and tends to be politically skewed.

A story with the headline “Sky News moves to PornHub after learning they don’t censor videos of massive dicks” and a photo of former talkback radio host Alan Jones has been one ofThe Chaser’s most popular during the current lockdown.

Dr Sacha Molitorisz,lecturer at the Centre for Media Transition at the University of Technology Sydney,says the pandemic has spurred the shift in young people’s news consumption away from regular media. Satirical news sites are capitalising on general fatigue with the never-ending doom and gloom of straight news.

“In the early days of COVID last year news consumption increased dramatically,but now the pendulum has swung the other way,and this year there’s been a big slump in news consumption. People are worn out by COVID updates and just want a laugh,” Dr Molitorisz says.

“The audience for satirical sites is currently doubling week-on-week - although I say that in the same spirit thatTheBetoota Advocate calls itself Australia’s oldest newspaper.”

The Betoota Advocate is Australia’s equivalent to long-running US satirical siteThe Onion – whose Australian traffic it has now surpassed.

Publisher Piers Grove said he was unable to comment on the rise of satire during lockdown givenBetoota,which launched in 2014,is a serious regional newspaper.

Betoota are really politically incisive,they’re great at making fun of dumb decisions by politicians or something someone in power has done and give it an extra twist in their humour,” Dr Molitorisz says.

Betoota are really quick at producing headlines –you can be reading something from them that’s responding to something that happened an hour ago,which gives them strength because timing is such a big part of what’s funny.”

Double Bay Todaysends up the first world problems of Sydney’s upper middle class,often saying what we’re all thinking.

“I can poke fun of things in a way that traditional media can’t,”Double Bay Today founder Simon Palan explains.

Having worked at the ABC for eight years before launching his site in 2018,Palan knows what makes compelling headlines and content for his readers. He says satirising anti-vaxxers has really resonated with his readers during lockdown.

“No jab for me,says anti-vaxxer who regularly injects himself with steroids purchased off dark web,” was a standout post,as was “Sydney man files for divorce after wife goes one month without injectables”.

And it’s not just regular punters who are fans of these sites. Karl Stefanovic,Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes and Larry Emdur follow them,whileThe Chaser has had its content shared by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and Hollywood filmmaker Taika Waititi.

“A lot of people are really having a tough time out there for all different reasons so sometimes these stories make people feel warm and fuzzy or sometimes make them laugh which is ultimately my main goal,” Palan says.

But Dr Molitorisz warns there is a fine line between satire and misinformation.

“Right now we need a laugh more than ever. But we also need to be careful that we aren’t sharing content that’s spreading misinformation and doing real harm,including by making people fearful of vaccines,” he says. “Satire can save us,but misinformation can kill us.”

Lockdown has enabled former children’s entertainer Jimmy Rees,who hosted the ABC children’s show Giggle and Hoot,to recast himself as an adult comic.

Rees’ highly successfulMeanwhile in Australia videos about state premiers squabbling over lockdown have garnered more than eight million social media followers and 10.2 million fans on TikTok.

Kids’ entertainer Jimmy Rees has turned into a viral sensation with his Meanwhile in Australia videos.

Kids’ entertainer Jimmy Rees has turned into a viral sensation with his Meanwhile in Australia videos.Justin McManus

“I think the videos have become a hit because they are relatable,we’re all at home,we’re all frustrated and ultimately the decisions being made by leaders across the country have seemed contradictory and I’ve presented them in a comical way,” Rees reflects.

The father-of-three recently had his first book,Bedtime Sorted! published off the back of his social media success. “A publisher approached me after seeing the videos I’d made of the excuses kids come up with to get out of going to bed and said we should make some books out of them,” Rees says.

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Lucy Manly is a reporter and gossip columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald and Sun-Herald.

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