HIV in heterosexuals bucking Australia's declining rates,report shows

Australia's HIV rates have hit an 18-year low,but heterosexuals are bucking the downward trend,the latest data reveals.

Gay and bisexual men are driving a sharp decline in new HIV transmissions,achieving a 30 per cent drop in five years,according to the Kirby Insititute's 2018 HIV surveillance report.

HIV transmission rates among heterosexual men had not budged,despite the overall decline.

HIV transmission rates among heterosexual men had not budged,despite the overall decline.Stocksy

There were 835 new HIV transmissions last year - a 23 per cent decline since 2014.

“It’s the lowest number we’ve seen in 18 years,” Professor Rebecca Guy,head of the institute’s Surveillance,Evaluation and Research Program said.

Professor Guy attributed the drop to the rise of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and concerted prevention,testing and treatment efforts.

PrEP is highly effective at stopping the transmission of HIV and allows people to be in control of their HIV status.

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But HIV rates among straight men and women aren’t budging,accounting for roughly 200 new infections every year.

Heterosexual sex has traditionally accounted for roughly one in five of all HIV cases every year,but their share has risen to one in four as gay and bisexual men curbed their HIV rates.

Testing rates are significantly lower among heterosexuals. An estimated one in three heterosexual people had been tested for HIV in their lifetime.

A large proportion of straight people live with HIV for years before they are diagnosed,raising the risk they could unknowingly pass the infection onto their sexual partners,according to Kirby’s data.

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations CEO,Darryl O’Donnell said the challenge of curbing HIV rates among heterosexuals needed focused public health campaigns.

Despite the “profound and sustained progress against the HIV epidemic”,there was still a long way to go to eliminate the burden of HIV that still predominantly affected gay men,Mr O’Donnell said.

Professor Guy said the dramatic decline was the result of the"incredible commitment"of government,healthcare workers,the community and researchers.

"More people are being tested for HIV than ever,people living with HIV are starting treatment earlier,and we’re seeing a very promising uptake of[PrEP] among gay and bisexual men,"she said.

Head of the Kirby Institute’s HIV Epidemiology and Prevention Program Professor Andrew Grulich said the combination of these strategies “had turned the HIV epidemic in gay and bisexual men around in this country”.

The PrEP drug Truvada is a daily pill taken by HIV negative people to prevent transmission of HIV.

Truvada has been available by prescription on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) since April 2018,and would have otherwise cost individuals $2496 a year.

But PrEP coverage still needed to be significantly higher for HIV transmissions to keep declining at this impressive rate,Professor Grulich said.

Roughly 41 per cent of gay men at high risk of HIV in Australia were taking PrEP. That number needed to rise to at least 75 per cent to eliminate HIV transmission,according to Kirby’s modelling.

While Australian-born gay and bisexual men were leading the downward charge in HIV rates,there was no meaningful reduction among overseas born men who have sex with men.

Professor Grulich said strategies needed to better target gay and bisexual men from culturally diverse backgrounds,and those living outside inner cities.

Among Indigenous Australians,there was no reduction in HIV,according to the report.

Testing rates are significantly lower among heterosexuals.

Testing rates are significantly lower among heterosexuals.

Associate Professor James Ward,head of the Infectious Diseases Research Program for Aboriginal Health at the South Australian Institute for Health and Medical Research,said more needed to be done to overcome the inequities in HIV prevention,detection and treatment.

“We need targeted,culturally appropriate,community focused campaigns to increase testing and treatment and PrEP and we need to focus on increasing awareness,both within the community and among healthcare providers,” he said.

The federal government recently listed on PBS other new medicines to treat HIV,which stop the replication of the HIV virus and would otherwise cost up to $10,800.

Kate Aubusson is Health Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

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