On International Women's Day,a message not many want to hear

EDITOR'S NOTE:The High Court overturned Cardinal George Pell's conviction for historic child sex offences in a judgment ruling handed down April 7,2020. In a unanimous decision all seven High Court judges found Victoria's Court of Appeal should not have upheld Pell's conviction It found the evidence could not support a guilty verdict.

So it’s International Women’s Day on Sunday and,like most years,as a feminist who writes a regular social commentary column in this publication,I’ve been asked to speak at various events observing the day.

This would normally all be fine. I could repeat the same concerns I’ve been expressing passionately for years - the epidemic of domestic violence,wage inequality,inadequate childcare,male privilege,where to after #metoo …

Bettina Arndt has lashed calls for her Order of Australia to be rescinded.

Bettina Arndt has lashed calls for her Order of Australia to be rescinded.Joshua Morris

But this year I proffered a new topic for discussion. And considering the sputtering and choking noises through the phone at its mention,it’s one that women may not want to hear.

But here goes anyway because I believe this needs to be said – we are not perfect. Yep,you read right. I am dubious of feminism painting women within the confines of suffragette and saint,no deviation allowed. This continuous narrative of male bad,female good,is too broadstroke. And,if we are really honest,it’s also not helping.

Now,that sound you heard is women taking to social media to condemn me for betraying my gender,to insult me for daring to go against the grain of what certain hardliners decree. However,I will cop the abuse for the greater good,even though the backlash,I know from experience,is brutal.

Going off-piste today when discussing feminism is to literally wear a bullseye as a third eye. In the past,I have deviated from doctrine,daring to suggest in writing that men can and should refer to themselves as feminists,receiving the nastiest,personal bile as a result,one fellow writer going as far to call me a"traitorous c---". So much for that sisterhood. And that was nothing compared to when I opined that certain religious or pro-life women should not be excluded from feminism for their beliefs,that the movement should be accommodating not alienating.

Let’s get one thing out of the way here before I continue – I am no Bettina Arndt. In fact,I would say the only thing the self-proclaimed men's rights activist and I have in common is that neither of us has been a registered psychologist. The columnist deserves to be honoured with an Order of Australia about as much as does convicted paedophile George Pell.

However,I do believe that there is a middle ground that must be explored and celebrated by women,shades of grey that allow debate and free thought.

An argument here to illustrate my point:yes,women do falsely accuse men of domestic assault or harming children in custody cases as post #MeToo investigations have shown. And yes,this is a tiny fraction that I agree gets way too much attention amid the bigger and imperative issue of valid sexual assaults against women.

But I will not cop the hard-line feminist argument that this doesn’t happen at all or there is “no evidence” to support such claims,that it's false news perpetuated by the patriarchy. Come on,ladies - we must grip the fact that we,too,can err.

One Nation senator Pauline Hanson,whose views I respect about as much as Arndt’s,recently expressed concern that some womenwere making up domestic violence claims in custody battles,which should be addressed in the Coalition's impending investigation into the family law system. “I am hearing too many cases where parents are using domestic violence to stop the other parent from seeing their children,” she told the ABC.

Predictably,Hanson copped a pile-on. And again,I agree that instances of women abusing the system are miniscule in comparison to the epidemic of men abusing and endangering partners and children. However,I refuse to insist they never happen at all to fall in line with what some believe it takes to be a"true feminist". I know they happen – albeit rarely – because women are human,too. I also have witnessed such an incident within my own friendship group.

However,for the past 18 months,I have also watched as one of my girlfriends has been abused,hounded and defamed by her ex to the point where I have gravely feared for her safety. And the last thing I want to do is re-abuse any victim. What I do want to do is open up a discussion that appears currently closed,one that may help men understand their actions to help stop them. I want change and I don’t see it likely to happen when feminist doctrine is demonising men as unalterable. We need to sometimes step down from the unchallenged higher ground.

I believe that a black and white perception that centuries of suppression has made women superior or saintly is not helping. We need to embrace a moderate middle if parity is ever to be achieved. We need to say that,yes,the patriarchy still exists and it's evil. Yes,men must be stopped from abusing and killing women – by any means it takes and NOW! And yes,I will continue to fight with all the passion I can muster to keep women safe - for reproductive rights,pay equity,quotas … I will remain defiantly feminist until the word is rendered redundant,replaced with humanism.

But surely the fight for equality – which is and shall always be my feminist goal – shouldn’t mean we repeat history and try to repress another gender or that we have no need for further introspection? Let’s not make this literally tit for tat.

How about we proudly celebrate International Women’s Day for what we really are – fierce,fabulous and flawed,too.

Wendy Squires is a regular columnist.

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