Navigating the postpartum period during a pandemic

In the early hours of a spring morning almost three years ago,my husband and I welcomed our daughter into the world. Our lives changed forever.

I was fortunate enough to miss the roller coaster of postnatal depression,but even so I needed a tribe for support. My husband was my sidekick,I craved seeing friends,and I welcomed professional advice from midwives,obstetricians and sleep consultants. It was very much a collaborative approach.

Whatever the platform – face to face,online or a mix of the two – it’s vital that mothers continue to receive support.

Whatever the platform – face to face,online or a mix of the two – it’s vital that mothers continue to receive support.Stocksy

For those giving birth this year (and this includes me for the second time),life looks a little different. It’s no big surprise then that so,too,is the care available. Dr Colin Walsh,obstetrician and maternal-fetal medicine specialist at Sydney’s North Shore Private and Mater hospitals,says that although this year has been tricky in terms of how best to manage patients,everyone involved in postnatal care has made an enormous effort to modify their services and keep going.

“Postpartum care is about giving that family the best possible start and creating the right environment for the long-term health and wellbeing of both mother and baby,” he says. “Lactation consultants,women’s health physios,general practitioners,early childhood nurses,paediatricians and psychologists may all be involved at different stages.”

Nikki Hamilton,who runs website building business Seedling Digital,was diagnosed with postpartum depression in April 2019 after giving birth to her son that February. As restrictions escalated in 2020 in response to COVID-19,so did her concerns about the continuation of care. But because she already had online systems in place,the transition was made easier.

“My psychologist must have been a forward thinker because she offered telehealth consultations prior to the outbreak,” she says. “I’ve always liked not having to drive,and regardless of how everything pans out,I’d like to keep appointments running this way.”

Arabella Gibson,CEO of the not-for-profit Gidget Foundation Australia,which provides support for new and expectant parents with perinatal depression and anxiety,says telehealth services can be vastly beneficial.

“We recently ran an evaluation and found our telehealth program ‘Start Talking’ delivered slightly better results in regards to clinical outcome measures compared to face-to-face consults,” she explains. “We believe parents were able to adapt more effectively to the at-home sessions and enjoyed the flexibility they gave.”

When I had my first child,I craved face-to-face meetings but I am realistic about how my needs will change with my second. Getting two kids to appointments will be challenging,so I welcome the option of being able to choose which scenario might suit me best. I’m certain there will be times I’d much rather see a face on a screen than in person. Currently,telehealth services are rebated for all Australians,but from mid-September the focus will be on those living outside metropolitan and major suburban areas.

Gibson explains that in some circumstances,those living in metro areas would greatly benefit from telehealth services. “For mothers who may have experienced birth trauma or a recent surgical procedure,or even those just managing the demands of new parenthood,being able to access specialist treatment via telehealth is crucially important,” she says.

Whatever the platform – face to face,online or a mix of the two – it’s vital that mothers continue to receive support. Gibson recommends they stay as connected as possible,scheduling Facetime calls with other mums,encouraging visits from family and friends if it is safe to do so,and sharing feelings with their partner (and asking their partner to do the same).

Walsh stresses that there are plenty of support networks in place,even if they still are evolving. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help,” he says.

This article appears inSunday Life magazine within theSun-Herald and theSunday Age on sale August 9.

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