Farewell,disco pash:How the pandemic has changed dating

As it turns out,a pandemic can change a lot of our once-normal behaviours,including many age-old dating rituals. But despite the disruption to many of the ways we used to meet and match,nothing will stop our inherent need for connection or a spark of chemistry.

“It’s important not to put dating on hold just because you can’t go to a house party – it doesn’t mean that you can’t do something else”,says Sharon Draper,eharmony’s relationship psychologist. “There are still options,and it’s important to try and think out of the box. You just need to adapt.”

“There are still options,and it’s important to try and think out of the box. You just need to adapt.”

“There are still options,and it’s important to try and think out of the box. You just need to adapt.”iStock

In the end,people will do what they do,just with perhaps more hand sanitiser and video chats. Ahead,some of the classic dating practices that are no longer quite the same.

Impromptu bar-hopping dates. At least for the time being,with everything needing to be planned,“let’s see where the night takes us” is not in our dating vocab. While spontaneous evenings – bouncing from one bar to the next,stopping for gelato on the way – was once the pinnacle of romance,now it’s about impressing your date by nabbing a booking reservation at that hip new place down the street. “It’s really helpful to think of new ways and get creative as opposed to meeting up with someone and just letting it happen,” Draper says.

A chance meeting through friends. Now that we aren’t going out in big groups,the chance of meeting a dating prospect through a friend,or friend of a friend,is slim. This has caused many of us dating hopefuls to jump online instead and keep swiping until we find that friend of a friend on a dating app. “Those old sorts of ways of meeting people at a bar or those impromptu meetings at house parties,all that stuff has been completely obliterated,” says Draper. “I find a lot of people who’ve never used online dating are feeling kind of forced to use online dating.”

The disco pash.If there’s one thing we’ve all suddenly become a lot privier to of late,it’s how viral agents spread. As Draper says,“people are very aware of it[COVID]”. So if we’re now more inclined to elbow bump instead of high-five,we’re also probably going to spend a bit longer sussing out the cutie on the dancefloor before going in for the pash.

Surreptitiously holding someone's hand in a movie.If handshakes are now out,then slyly reaching across the arm rest to entwine fingers with a new date impromptu is probably off the cards. When it comes to physical contact,people are a lot more cautious,says Draper. “Of course,as you get to know somebody,you start feeling a bit more comfortable but there is that slight hesitation of meeting up with people and actually touching too early”. The same hesitation may apply with sharing food and drinks – tapas platters and giant cocktails are now a bit curly.

Holiday romances with visiting international travellers. Not only can us Aussies not travel the world and bag ourselves a summer fling,but no overseas singles can make their way to our shores for a holiday romance either. However,Draper says there’s no harm in dreaming about a future one. “It’s good to have something to look forward to and holiday romances are just so much fun – so to be open to something like that,that’s great”. In the meantime,maybe watch someDirty Dancing for a little fun inspiration,she suggests.

Keeping a new boo on the down-low. Remember the thrill of starting something new with someone and keeping it all to yourself in that blissful honeymoon stage? Well,those days are under threat by the need to keep your inner circle informed about who is fraternising with who. “You have to be a lot more communicative to the people around you as to what you’re doing,” Draper says. “You don’t have to provide too much detail,you can still keep it fairly private,but it’s just common courtesy to let them know if you’ve met somebody new.”

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