Gabriella Coslovich:how to play the yelling game

We live next door to a primary school. Every recess and lunchtime,the playground,a field as lush as a cricket green,is overrun by children. The racket is like a raging flock of sulphur-crested cockatoos. Or a pack of hyenas. In COVID-free Hobart,schools remain deafeningly open. On many occasions,I’ve wondered whether one family’s little darling is throttling another family’s little darling on that heavenly green field next door. I hear blood-curdling,ear-splitting screams. I rush to the window to check. Nothing amiss. Just the usual. Boys roughing up boys. Girls gathering in secretive knots. Stowaways crouching under bushes.

Gabriella Coslovich.

Gabriella Coslovich.Selina Ou

My partner was poking about in the garden recently and overheard a conversation. A little girl,let’s call her Ella,called out to her friends,“let’s play the yelling game!” Another little girl shyly asked,“what’s the yelling game?” Ella explained:“The yelling game is when you yell as loud as you can all on one breath without stopping until you run out of breath.”

Mystery solved.

While Melbourne vented its COVID-induced frustrations in a collective scream-a-thon last weekend,the kids of Tasmania,it seems,have been on to the idea for some time,not as therapy,but for the sheer mad fun of it. Whatever the motive,it’s a game for our times. Thereis so much yell about. People ranting about"human rights"who have never given a flying thought about human rights until they were asked to cover their fatuous,potentially fatal gobs. The buffoon in Washington tweeting about the"ChinaVirus"while his country crumbles. Social media influencers spruiking"sexy"work-from-home"activewear"in shades of ochre,cinnamon and butterscotch because,you know,a woman’s preening is never done. (I’ll stick with faded black and holey grey,thanks.) The Tasmanian Premier,bless him – he’s kept us safe,with the little help of a moat – telling us not to panic about the food chain from locked-down Victoria,which of course makes us panic.

Last week brought even more to scream about. It was my favourite time of day,when working from home’s a breeze,the playground blissfully quiet,students back at their desks.

Suddenly,children burst onto the field,breaking free from class,squealing,leaping,and sliding across the slippery grass,hands outstretched towards the sky. I watched from the window as delicate white flakes fell softly to earth,like gossamer veils of confetti. Snow! I screamed along with the kids,filled with uncontainable joy.

Gabriella Coslovich is an arts journalist with more than 20 years’ experience,including 15 at The Age,where she was a senior arts writer. Her book,Whiteley on Trial,on Australia’s most audacious of alleged art fraud,won a Walkley in 2018.

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