Why you need a ‘think week’ (or maybe just a ‘think hour’ if you’re busy)

When planning for our precious summer holidays,for many of us,the choice is a close tie between an exotic location or an epic experience to revitalise us for the year ahead.

But would you consider a “think week” spent mostly alone to allow you to reflect on the year that’s past and plan for the year ahead?

Setting aside some time to yourself to think is key to creativity.

Setting aside some time to yourself to think is key to creativity.Digital illustration by iStock

It’s something Dr Amantha Imber,host of theHow I Work podcast,has adopted regularly since a Silicon Valley exec shared his quarterly ‘think week’ philosophy with her.

“Once a quarter he would go somewhere quite remote with no technology,setting aside time for bigger picture thinking … and now I try to do it as well,” says Imber,author ofTime Wise.

But rather than travel to the wilderness,Imber does it from home. She clears her calendar of meetings and sets an out-of-office,freeing up her mind for creative thinking while still managing parenting responsibilities and some socialising.

“I give myself the week off,to just ponder things,” she says.

“Having that space away from the distraction of emails and meetings and reacting to people,I have bursts of writing and thinking and it becomes almost effortless to go ‘Ah,this is the idea!’”

Wellness coach Lyndall Mitchell,founder of Aurora Spa,says the new year is the perfect opportunity to deliberately dedicate some time to reflect and create focus for the year ahead.

“Look back at the last 12 months and consider what worked well for you,what habits you want to continue and what habits haven’t served you well,” she suggests.

“Think about this physically,mentally,emotionally and spiritually[and] consider your career,finances,family,health and friends.”

Imber says the new year is always a good catalyst for a “life check-up” to ask questions such as,‘Am I happy with what I’m doing for work?’ and ‘Do I enjoy the people that I work with?’

“It can be really useful to set aside time to deliberately stop and ask yourself those big open-ended questions,” she says.

“Rather than just being on the treadmill and operating on default without questioning anything and[ending] up five years into a career that we are not finding any joy in.”

If a week or weekend alone is impossible in your current life season,Karina Stewart,chief wellness officer at Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary,suggests starting with an hour of “thinking time” to get in the habit of self-reflection.

“It’s really necessary to take some me-time or think-time to get out of the wheel of life for a moment,and reset and empty out – it’s taking a ‘diagnostic’ moment for yourself,” says Stewart,who is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

If you can book off a week,that’s great. But even booking off an hour just to sit without your phone and think will bring benefits.

If you can book off a week,that’s great. But even booking off an hour just to sit without your phone and think will bring benefits.iStock

“I’ll often go out in nature with my journal or I’ll record voice memos on my phone and listen back and write notes later. You could even create voice notes in the bathtub – when you relax and open up,things arise that you don’t have space[to hear] when you are going from pillar to post.”

As the year goes on,Stewart makes the case for creating a habit of regular reflection time each week.

“Start with an hour,and then schedule another hour and another hour,” she says.

“I know some people who take every Wednesday from 2pm to 6pm off,and they’ve written books just from taking that one afternoon a week off. Having a structure and planning these things allows you freedom for unstructured[thinking].”

The only real rule for any thinking time is to switch off our devices – or at least silence notifications – to allow us to hear the intuitive messages we’re seeking.

“Some of us may be intuitive enough for this to happen naturally,but for most of us,we can really benefit from slowing down,getting out of autopilot and taking time to reflect on the best and not-so-great parts of the previous year,” Mitchell says.

“We can then move into the new year guiding our energy,time and focus on the activities that serve us best.”

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