Gareth Ward has moved to the crossbench pending the police investigation.

Gareth Ward has moved to the crossbench pending the police investigation.Credit:Louise Kennerley

In a short statement,NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian supported Mr Ward’s decision.

“I have subsequently received advice from Minister Gareth Ward of his decision to step aside as Minister and sit on the crossbench while there is speculation about his future. I support his decision,” Ms Berejiklian said.

Mr Ward said he had been made aware of the investigation by a journalist.

“I deny any wrongdoing. Until this matter is resolved,it is appropriate I stand aside from my role as Minister. I will also remove myself from the Liberal Party room,” Mr Ward said.

“I have not been contacted by police in relation to any allegations. I will not be making any further comment at this time.”


Police said as investigations were continuing,no further information would be made available.

It is the second police investigation launched into a NSW MP this year with former Nationals MP Michael Johnsen forced to quit in March after being accused of raping a sex worker in the Blue Mountains in 2019.

Mr Johnsen has not been charged and denies the accusation but said that media harassment had left him unable to continue serving the electorate of the Upper Hunter and sparking a byelection. Voters in that electorate go to the polls on May 22.

With former Liberal MP John Sidoti on the crossbench amid an ongoing corruption inquiry and Mr Johnsen’s resignation,Mr Ward’s departure leaves the government with just 45 seats in the 93-seat lower house,including the speaker.

Before Mr Ward identified himself as the subject of the criminal inquiry,NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro said the police investigation was very serious and it was critical that actions against the MP were taken swiftly while the investigation is on foot.

He pointed to his decision to force Mr Johnsen to resign and said the same approach would need to be taken once it was established who was under investigation.

“This is not acceptable,” Mr Barilaro told 2GB. “I have proven that in my own actions and the same would have to apply here.

“If there is an individual in this parliament that is under investigation then,of course,we will need to deal with that. We don’t know who the individual is at this stage…It is a police investigation,this is very serious.”

The government conducted a review earlier this year into the policies and procedures in NSW ministerial offices following Brittany Higgins’ alleged sexual assault in Canberra.


Former sex discrimination commissioner and former NSW minister Pru Goward said the “protections and processes available to ministerial staff are unclear,ineffective and inadequate”.

Ms Berejiklian described the review as “brutal” and indicated she would adopt all 13 recommendations that were made.

“If we’re serious about making change,we have to do it properly and this will involve engagement with NSW Parliament and any survivors,” Ms Berejiklian said last month.

The recommendations included establishing an independent process for those unwilling to have their complaint handled within a ministerial office,training for ministers and their staff about what constitutes bullying,harassment,and sexual misconduct and how to manage a complaint.

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