A Russian woman holds orchids at the front of a line for the funeral of Boris Nemtsov.

A Russian woman holds orchids at the front of a line for the funeral of Boris Nemtsov.Credit:Helen Womack

"But sadly now in Russia,with every passing day,we have less and less hope. Some 50,000 people came out on Sunday to protest the murder but what is that compared with the reaction to theCharlie Hebdo killings,when all of Paris were on the streets?"

Maria Belova,a psychologist carrying tulips for Nemtsov,put the apparent indifference of the general Russian population down to fear."The NKVD or KGB (Soviet terms for the secret police) have never left us,"she said."People live like slaves in a feudal society. There's no alternative media;no internet in the provinces. Most people depend on the state for their jobs. Of course they are afraid. Only a few of us are not brainwashed,and our only hope now is world opinion."

Like others in the queue,Ms Belova said she would have voted for Nemtsov had there been free elections,giving the lie to the oft-repeated view that there is simply no alternative to President Putin. She was young too,giving the lie to the notion that Nemtsov was a"yesterday's man"from the 1990s,whom only the middle-aged remembered.


Nemtsov was a"golden boy"when the late President Boris Yeltsin promoted him from a regional governorship to the job of deputy prime minister and he was tipped as a possible heir to the sick and ageing Kremlin leader. Instead that role went to former KGB agent Vladimir Putin,who set about sidelining and removing all opposition to his rule.

Men place candles as they arrive at a farewell ceremony to slain opposition leader Boris Nemtsov in Moscow on Monday.

Men place candles as they arrive at a farewell ceremony to slain opposition leader Boris Nemtsov in Moscow on Monday.Credit:AFP

But Nemtsov refused to go quietly. Briefly jailed in 2011 for protesting against the second conviction and further imprisonment of oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky,Nemtsov regularly led rallies in defence of constitutional freedoms and human rights.

He famously criticised overspending on the 2014 Sochi Olympics,saying that Russia's roads could have been paved with caviar for the $65-billion cost of the Games. It was believed he was preparing to release a report on Russian military involvement in the war in Ukraine,which may have cost him his life.

People line up to pay their last respects at the coffin of Boris Nemtsov inside the Sakharov centre in Moscow.

People line up to pay their last respects at the coffin of Boris Nemtsov inside the Sakharov centre in Moscow.Credit:AP

In his last interview toEcho of Moscow,he recalled the absurdity of being arrested for carrying a Russian tricolour on national Flag Day. That flag,he said,represented the freedom that Russians had seized for themselves when Boris Yeltsin had jumped on a tank to resist the hardline coup in 1991. Nemtsov said he never recognised President Putin's reintroduction of the melody of the old Soviet national anthem and all that implied.

While investigators,headed by Alexander Bastrykin,who once made death threats to a journalist,now seek Nemtsov's killers,mourners at the funeral were in no doubt that the professional hit was carried out by the security services or rogue elements emboldened by state propaganda.

People gather to pay their last respects at the coffin of Boris Nemtsov during the farewell ceremony.

People gather to pay their last respects at the coffin of Boris Nemtsov during the farewell ceremony.Credit:AP

"I never felt safe here,"said Vasily Andrushenko,who runs an internet business,"but now another line has been crossed and we see our rulers are ready to go beyond the'civilised'methods they used with Navalny (Alexei,the opposition blogger currently in jail)."

The death of Nemtsov is the end of hope,"said teacher Irina Shebanova."He was clean and honest,the exact opposite of those in power today. Now all we can do is sit quietly at home,and shut our mouths,and be grateful we are still alive. There is nothing else left to gladden our hearts."

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