Breagha Patterson with her grandmother Katie Graham and mother Maggie Patterson at St Vincent's Hospital.

Breagha Patterson with her grandmother Katie Graham and mother Maggie Patterson at St Vincent's Hospital.Credit:Janie Barrett

Dr Granger's 22-year-old patient with advanced cardiomyopathy had already made medical history.

Ms Patterson wasdubbed the girl with no pulse last July when she became the first Australian to receive the smallest mechanical heart device in the world,the MVAD,while she waited for a heart transplant.

She was now about to receive a heart that had been brought back from the dead.

Transplant units usually have to rely on donor hearts from brain-dead patients whose hearts are still beating.

Breagha Patterson has had a heart transplant from a re-animated heart,at St Vincent's Hospital.

Breagha Patterson has had a heart transplant from a re-animated heart,at St Vincent's Hospital.Credit:Janie Barrett

But the groundbreaking ex-vivo organ care system,coined the heart-in-a-box,can reanimate hearts donated after circulatory death and keep them beating long enough to reach the patient waiting for a transplant.

Pioneered at St Vincent's Hospital after 15 years of research,the technique couldslash the waiting listfor donor hearts and could increase supply by up to 50 per cent.

Breagha's new heart in the ex vivo perfusion rig or heart-in-a-box.

Breagha's new heart in the ex vivo perfusion rig or heart-in-a-box.

The transplant team had to collect the heart and get it onto the perfusion rig within half an hour of the donor being taken off life support. They flushed it with a preservation solution and switched on a bypass circuit that pumped oxygenated blood through the heart,reanimating the dormant muscle.

"Being able to take an organ outside someone's body,restart it,keep it working and happy and then stitch it back into someone else;It's pretty mind-blowing stuff,"Dr Granger said.

The donor heart reanimated and beating after circulatory death the ex vivo perfusion rig.

The donor heart reanimated and beating after circulatory death the ex vivo perfusion rig.

But Ms Patterson's case was particularly remarkable. Not only was she the youngest Australian to receive a Donation after Cardiac Death (DCD) heart,her heart would spend a nail-biting six hours in the box,the longest a DCD donor heart had been kept beating outside the body.

"I'll be quite frank,we were very nervous. We'd never had a heart travel this far and we'd never had one on the rig for this long,"Dr Granger said.

"We had a four-hour blackout in communication while the heart was on the plane. This is a huge challenge because Breagha needed about two hours of preparation surgery before we can stick the new heart in,"she said.

They were racing against the clock.

"We were really pushing it. We knew hearts were OK on the rig for four hours,but this was getting up to six hours and we didn't know how donor hearts would cope,"she said.

Dr Granger had about 45 minutes to remove Breagha's old heart and mechanical heart support before her new heart arrived.

The fear and uncertainty of heart transplants is something Ms Patterson's family were all too familiar with.

Three years earlier Ms Patterson,then 19,had watched her younger sister,Isla,die of the same condition while they were holidaying with her family in Scotland.

"She became very,very sick and she was waiting for a heart for about two months but the heart never came,"she said.

After two transplant attempts she was fitted with a mechanical heart support device but was too weak to survive the surgery.

Isla's death played on her mind as she waited for her own transplant surgery.

"I saw her being wheeled down to theatre and she was so excited to be getting a new heart and she woke up and we had to tell her she didn't have one and she was crying,she was so upset,"Ms Patterson said.

But Ms Patterson's heart-in-a-box transplant was a total success. The heart was a perfect fit.

"It was a great match. It just seemed like the heart she should have if she had a normal heart,"Dr Granger said.

"Within seconds the heart took a beat ... it went into its own rhythm. I didn't even have to pace it with electricity,"she said.

Eight hours after going under anaesthetic,Ms Patterson woke up beaming.

"I remember thinking,I can't speak because I have the breathing tube - so I was smiling,I was smiling so much ... I just remember being really,really happy because I knew I had the heart and that it had gone well,"Ms Patterson said.

Her mother,Maggie Patterson,said:"It was just amazing. She was so frightened but so calm ... and when she woke up after surgery she had these big rosy cheeks,a big smile … and a pulse!"

"She's such a strong girl. She didn't take anything for granted and she's so thankful to the donor's family,"her mother said.

A year ago she would barely walk up stairs. Three months post transplant,"I feel fantastic,"she said.

"I'm looking forward to going to university and just getting back into fitness and living a full and active life again,which is wonderful,"Ms Patterson said.

Eight patients have now received a successful heart-in-a-box transplant at St Vincent's,the technology providing a new source of strong hearts for patients waiting for transplant.

"There's a whole booming area of research in ex vivo perfusion:DCD livers,kidneys,optimising kidneys. It means we can hopefully open up this new avenue of getting organs suitable for transplantation and prevent people from dying on a waitlist,"Dr Granger said.

Heart-in-a-box:how it works:

  • Doctors have half an hour to transfer the donor heart to the"rig"after life support is switched off.
  • The heart is flushed with preservation solution and attached to a bypass circuit that pumps through oxygenated blood
  • Once the heartbeat restarts the heart can be kept alive in the machine for hours
  • Doctors check its pulse and blood sample
  • Surgeons stitch the new heart into the donor recipient

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