Sir Donald Bradman.

Sir Donald Bradman.Credit:Fairfax Media.

As Brettig notes,this left on Packer the “distinct impression that Bradman was someone who could be dealt with,and that he was not an establishment zealot willing to destroy the game in order to save it”.

But the official game was if not broken,broke,and its officialdom jittery,and the breakaway was costing Packer a packet,too. So he reached out,at once to a hero and powerful intercessor;in all ways,he loved Bradman’s pull.

The meeting was at Bradman’s Adelaide home. As related by Richie Benaud in 2013,they readily agreed that WSC had won,whereupon Packer said:“I want to give back to you ... every part of the game that we have at the moment ... I will have the television rights,which I’ve been trying to get for some time.”

At a subsequent meeting with Packer henchman Lynton Taylor in Sydney to thrash out the details,Taylor was surprised that his ambit claim on television and marketing rights effectively for 15 years was accepted without demur. “I don’t care what we have to give away to get this deal done,” Bradman said,“as long as the ACB has control of the game.”

Digitally altered image:Kerry Packer and Don Bradman.

Digitally altered image:Kerry Packer and Don Bradman.Credit:

Taylor was unapologetic,saying Packer got what he wanted and the board got more money than they ever could have raised themselves.


But how much did they forgo? Five years later,John Rogers,WACA general manager (and father of future Test opener Chris) learned as he canvassed for sponsors what they were paying for television cricket slots. Putting two and two together,he estimated that Packer had brought in $134 million in those five years,returning $2 million to the ACB. Gasps escaped as he re-told the story at the book’s launch at a Fitzroy pub last week.

Moreover,the players did not come out of the healing as well as might be expected. Allan Border is a towering figure in post-war Australian cricket,but his last contract in 1994 was for a paltry $90,000.

“The deal that has been struck was ..,very poor,commercially naive,inept,done under extreme duress,” says former ACB chairman Malcolm Gray. But Gray the chairman was a pragmatist. “I always said whynot deal with Packer,” he said. “I could see no reason why cricket should have to stay with the ABC.”

Taylor still treated cricket as Packer’s fiefdom,twice haranguing the board for ineptitude. But a more successful on-field Australia from the mid-80s led to a more bullish off-field Australia. Fifteen years after WSC,Packer and the ACB were sharing power and money,more or less.

Kerry Packer.

Kerry Packer.Credit:Fairfax Media

This aggrieved Taylor,by then marginalised. “They (Packer) basically gave up everything,” he said. But Packer was moved to convey this to ACB chief exec Graham Halbish:“Kerry wants you to know that he thinks Australian cricket has finally grow some balls.”

Bradman and Packer continued to stick their bibs into Australian cricket until their deaths in 2001 and 2005 respectively. Bradman was subtle,Packer blunt. He demanded the selection of Mike Hussey,but scorned T20's brevity. “When do I make my f---ing money?” he harrumphed. For cricket,it is still a live question.

Brettig perceptively charts this back channels duopoly in a book that although short acts not just a cricket history,but a side-window into Australia in the second half of the 20th century. Instead of a cricketer,the book was launched by political and social commentator George Megalogenis.

In 1996,Packer flew to Adelaide to arrange for Ray Martin to conduct what would be Bradman’s last interview. Packer gave Martin to understand that they had not previously met. “Each man thought the other hated him,” Martin wrote in his autobiography. With enemies like that ...

Bradman and Packer (The Slattery Media Group)

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