Julie Bishop said Australia should show global leadership on climate change during an appearance on the Today show on Monday,January 6.

Julie Bishop said Australia should show global leadership on climate change during an appearance on the Today show on Monday,January 6.Credit:Nine News

On Monday,Ms Bishop said the fires were taking"a tragic toll on the nation"and communities needed"leadership at every level ... at local government,state government and nationally".

"All of our leaders need to show compassion and care to address the needs that people have.

"People need to be reassured that their leaders are listening and that every arm of government is co-operating and working together to ensure that they can contain what lies ahead and help those that need to rebuild."


Ms Bishop backed calls for a public inquiry into the deadly blazes.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale told ABC Radio on Monday the bushfires"should be a wake-up call to every single member of the political establishment in Australia".

"The reality is we've had a prime minister who has chosen to effectively work as a lobbyist for the coal industry at a time when he should have been keeping Australians safe."

He said Australia should be phasing out coal-fired power and preventing the construction of any new coal mines.

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese said last week Australia needed to lead international efforts on climate change rather than thwart efforts for bolder emissions reduction targets.

-with AAP

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