Professor Raina MacIntyre says Australia could eliminate the coronavirus,but it will take vigilance and time.

Professor Raina MacIntyre says Australia could eliminate the coronavirus,but it will take vigilance and time.Credit:Peter Braig

"Elimination means not having sustained domestic transmission,"Professor MacIntyre said.

"Australia can achieve this,but it would require a demonstration of a sustained period of low disease incidence - probably a year or more."


In that time,she said,authorities would need to maintain high levels of testing and contact tracing,keep international borders closed,continue with social distancing and potentially introduce"universal face mask use".

"If you want to keep things under control,we really need to make sure we track and identify all chains of transmission in the community that are not linked to obvious outbreaks or returned travellers,"Professor MacIntyre said.

She said a high level of testing,including of"asymptomatic,high-risk contacts",was essential,with the fact 80 per cent of cases were mild or asymptomatic meaning"there will be cases of transmission that hasn't been picked up,that's so mild it hasn't come to the attention of anyone."

Federal and state governments are pursuing a potential"travel bubble"with New Zealand,whose Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern last month declared it had effectively eliminated the coronavirus as there was no undetected community transmission of COVID-19.


On Saturday there were 500 active COVID-19 cases in Australia,with the total number of confirmed cases (including those who had recovered) sitting at 7185 and the daily growth in new cases hovering at just 0.5 per cent for almost six weeks.

There were 23 COVID-19 patients in hospital,including four in intensive care. A total of 103 deaths have been linked to the disease.

While the majority - 62.2 per cent - of confirmed cases were acquired overseas,with recent arrivals placed in mandatory hotel quarantine,and 29.2 per cent caught the virus from someone confirmed to have it,8.4 per cent came from an unknown source.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Friday that he was not expecting to reach"zero cases"or to declare COVID-19 eliminated,although it would be"well and good ... if it's achieved as a by-product"of the national cabinet's efforts to flatten the curve of infections.


Queensland health authorities have ordered sewage to be tested to try and determine the source of a COVID-19 infection that claimed the life of a 30-year-old man in the state's north last week,a measure that could also reveal how many people in the town of Blackwater may unknowingly have had the coronavirus.

Mr Morrison last month signalled that so-called sentinel testing - testing samples of the population for COVID-19 antibodies - would be used to determine how widely the virus has spread in the community,but so far this has not been done on a large scale.

While the federal health department has acquired 1.5 million point-of-care blood tests that can detect COVID-19 antibodies,a spokesman said Australia’s success in flattening the curve"has meant that widespread antibody testing has not yet been required due to the limited outbreak".

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