Senator John Ferguson in 1901.

Senator John Ferguson in 1901.Credit:National Library of Australia


How does MPs’ leave work?

There is no fixed limit to how much leave an MP can take. The record is held byAdair Blain,the then member for the Northern Territory who was given almost two years’ leave after being captured by the Japanese during World War II. (On his return,Mr Blain received the “warmest and most sincere welcome” from then-prime minister Ben Chifley and served until 1949.)

At the end of 2019,then-immigration minister David Coleman wasgiven about a year off for personal reasons.

Section 38,to which Senator Ferguson was subject,kicks in onlyafter two consecutive months. Nowadays,parties typically grant leave,which is done via a motion in Parliament,when an MP needs more time off for reasons including ill health,as well as official travel and maternity or paternity leave.

Adair Blain in 1936. He was given two years’ leave after being captured by the Japanese during WWII.

Adair Blain in 1936. He was given two years’ leave after being captured by the Japanese during WWII.Credit:National Library of Australia

Why do MPs get such generous arrangements?

The process for MPs taking leave is different from that of employees because,legally,MPs are not employed.


“They are ministers and MPs,they hold constitutional offices,” Associate Professor Luke Beck,a constitutional law scholar at Monash University,says.


MPs are not covered by theFair Work Actthat governs almost all private-sector employment in Australia and are paid not hourly but rather for holding their office.

That means their leave is determined by the constitution but also by politics. With the government holding only 76 seats in the House of Representatives,every vote counts and a missing MP would leave the government dependent on a crossbencher to pass bills and retain power.

That kind of political maths raises the unedifying spectacle of MPs being forced to abandon ill relatives or rush back to Parliament House after giving birth just to make a vote.

To fix the problem,political parties developed a system of pairing,which typically allows an MP of one party to sit out when one on the opposite side has a good reason to be absent,keeping the numbers constant.


In this case,Labor will give Mr Porter a pair and a spokeswoman said the party would consider any request for Senator Reynolds “as part of ordinary pairing arrangements,which prioritise pairs for any senator on leave for medical reasons”.

The situation is different outside sitting weeks,where there is no constitutional or political requirement for MPs to be present.

The parties have largely informal systems for MPs to let their party leaders know when and where they will take time off but it is ultimately theindividual parliamentarian’s decision.

Attorney-General Christian Porter denies rape allegations and is taking time off to seek mental health assistance.

Attorney-General Christian Porter denies rape allegations and is taking time off to seek mental health assistance.Credit:Trevor Collens

Is that the same for ministers?

No,it’s a bit more complex. “There has to be someone holding the fort in case urgent decisions come up,” Dr Beck says.

So,when a minister is on leave,the Prime Minister has the power to appoint someone else to act in their place. In this case,Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne is acting defence minister while Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has Mr Porter’s legal and industrial portfolios.


What about for ordinary workers?

What most people think of as “sick leave” is technically called “personal leave” and full-time workers get 10 paid days a year,accruing over time,at a minimum under theFair Work Act. Part-timers get an amount proportional to how much they work,whilecasual workers and independent contractors,such as Uber drivers,get none.


Bosses are allowed to ask their staff for evidence,such as a doctor’s certificate,that they are taking leave for the purpose they say they are.

However,that requirement and the amount of leave employees are allowed can be increased by collective enterprise agreements,industry-wide awards and individual contracts and policies.

Employees can ask for unpaid leave too,but there is no guarantee they will get it.

“You don’t have a statutory right to unpaid annual or personal leave,and if there’s nothing in an award or agreement,it comes down to the largesse of your employer really,” University of Sydney law professor Shae McCrystal says.


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