Raymond Keam and his son Dane.

Raymond Keam and his son Dane.

But a $1 million reward for new clues into his death,announced by police on Wednesday,has given the family hope they can finally get justice for Mr Keam.

Mr Keam,a martial arts expert and father of four,was found beaten to death at Alison Park in Randwick in January 1987.

His killing is believed to be one of a string of gay hate crimes committed in Sydney from the inner city to the Bondi-Tamarama cliff tops. It has been suspected he was targeted by a gang that had attacked several other men.

Mr Keam’s death was one of 88 killingsthat occurred between 1976 and 2000 that were reviewed by police as part of Strike Force Parrabell for having potential gay-hate bias,as well as allegations of deliberate police inaction.

Police will offer $1 million for information into the killing of Raymond Keam.

Police will offer $1 million for information into the killing of Raymond Keam.

In 2019,a formal review of the case was conducted by the homicide squad and a reinvestigation was started by detectives attached to Strike Force Augenaut.

Mr Keam’s son Kane,who was three when his father died,said he got to know his father from the memories of others.


“I grew up without a father figure and have missed out on sharing some really great life experiences without him,while the persons responsible are out there living free,unaffected lives,” he said.

His pain was exacerbated while growing by reading insensitive media reports and watching TV shows about gay bashings in Sydney’s early 80s and 90s that mentioned his father.

Kane Keam,whose father Raymond Keam was brutally bashed and killed in 1987

Kane Keam,whose father Raymond Keam was brutally bashed and killed in 1987Credit:Police Media

“As a gay man myself,this was heartbreaking,” he said.

“Not just what happened to my father but what happened to all the other men in that area at that time.”

Police Minister David Elliott acknowledged Mr Keam’s death came at a “dark and violent period” in NSW’s history when people were dismissive of suspected hate crimes.

“NSW Police have been working tirelessly to ensure every possible resource available is utilised when reviewing and reinvestigating these cases,” he said.

“It is my hope that the NSW government’s $1 million reward will encourage any member of the public that may have information about Raymond’s murder – no matter how big or small – will come forward.”

Homicide Squad Commander Detective Superintendent Danny Doherty said the unsolved homicide review identified further possible lines of inquiry that police are now exploring.

“Detectives are particularly interested in speaking with anyone who may have been a victim of an assault or who may have witnessed assaults at Alison Park,Randwick,in the years prior to and after Raymond’s death,” he said.

“After more than three decades,investigators hope to be able to provide Raymond’s family – including his four children – with some answers.”

Mr Keam’s partner Diane Smart said she hoped the $1 million reward might lead to new clues for investigators to finally provide justice for Mr Keam.

“Raymond was a kind and caring partner,father and stepfather. At the time of his death,we had been planning out our life together – then it was all ripped away in an instant,” she said.

“I didn’t just lose my partner that night,I lost my life and my future,and we all lost a huge part of our family. Raymond was a bright,strong,smart and generous man,who can never be replaced.”

Mr Keam’s daughter Stephanie said her father’s death had caused immense pain for her family for the past three decades.

“Thirty-four years ago,I not only lost my father,but a good friend,and have always felt a shadow over me not knowing why he was so cruelly taken from us,” she said.

“When something like this happens to a loved one,it changes you – it leaves a stain. We are all desperately hoping to find some answers,and we ask anyone with information to come forward to police and help our family find peace.”

His killing wasone of a spate of targeted killings of homosexual men during the next five or six years, from the inner city to the Bondi-Tamarama cliff tops.

In May last year,Scott Phillip White,49,was arrested charged with murder,accused of the 1988 gay-hate killing of Scott Johnson,who fell to his death from a cliff near Manly’s North Head. He has since entered pleas of not guilty to the charge.

The charge came more than 30 years after an initially bungled police investigation and subsequent inquest concluded the 27-year-old US mathematician had died by suicide.

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