NSW Police stop and question drivers at a checkpoint on the NSW-Victoria border in Albury last year.

NSW Police stop and question drivers at a checkpoint on the NSW-Victoria border in Albury last year.Credit:Getty Images

Local government areas in the Greater Sydney region – including the Blue Mountains,the Central Coast,Shellharbour and Wollongong – would be downgraded to “orange zones” under Victoria’s border permit system.

“This means after 11:59pm tonight,if you have had two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and you have been in the Sydney area (which will become an orange zone),you can enter Victoria on an orange zone permit without any quarantine or testing requirements,” the update said.

“People who are not fully vaccinated entering on an orange zone permit must isolate on arrival,get tested within 72 hours,and stay isolated until they receive a negative result.”

Local government areas in the remainder of regional NSW and in Jervis Bay would also be downgraded from red and orange to “green zones” from 11.59pm,the update said,meaning people from those areas would also not have to follow any quarantine or COVID-19 testing requirements.

Visitors from a green zone will only have to obtain a permit to enter Victoria.

Additionally,Broken Hill in NSW and Shepparton in Victorian will rejoin the border bubble joining the states from 11.59pm.


The ACT will remain an orange zone.

Under current NSW travel rules,though,people coming in from Victoria have to abide by stay-at-home rules for 14 days,meaning they can only leave their homes to obtain food and services,for work or education if they cannot work or study from home,to receive medical care,get vaccinated,or for exercise.

The announcement about NSW quarantine and testing requirements came after Premier Daniel Andrews said unvaccinated Victorians would not be able to enjoy the freedoms granted to vaccinated people until well into next year,and would likely be excluded from the Australian Formula One Grand Prix.

As Victoria recorded 1749 new cases of coronavirus and 11 deaths,Mr Andrews said unvaccinated fans would likely be prevented from attending next April’s F1 Grand Prix.

Announcing a $21 million package to support people who face barriers to getting a coronavirus vaccine,Mr Andrews warned restrictions for unvaccinated people could stretch “well into 2022”.

“Why would you get the system going,have the thing up and running and then essentially pull down,pull all that down,all the architecture that you’ve built,the infrastructure,the culture that you’ve changed,why would you change that four or five weeks later?

“If you make the judgement to not get vaccinated,and you reckon you can wait out us or the public or whoever you want to think you are waiting out,you won’t wait out the virus.”

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews

“I’m not going to say to someone,‘just wait it out,just wait for five weeks,and then you will be able to go the pub’. No,if you make the judgement to not get vaccinated,and you reckon you can wait out us or the public,or whoever you want to think you are waiting out,you won’t wait out the virus.”

Mr Andrews offered no date for when freedoms for the vaccinated and unvaccinated would be the same,but said it would not be when Victoria reached 90 per cent double-dose coverage.

Victoria on track to start to open up this week:Andrews

The vaccine funding announcement,which includes $13 million to support Victorians with complex needs,came as the state recorded 1749 new cases of coronavirus.

Victoria also recorded 11 COVID-19-related deaths in the past 24 hours,including two women and two men in their 70s,four men in their 80s,two men in their 90s and one woman aged older than 100.

Mr Andrews said 36,751 vaccines were administered on Monday.

“That brings us to 89.4 per cent of the population that is 16 and over have now had a first dose of one of the COVID-19 vaccines,and 67.2 per cent have had both the first and second dose,” he said.

“We are well-placed to reach our target of 70 per cent double-dosed and to open up,as of 11.59pm Thursday evening.”

The new package will help people book appointments,promote transport options,or offer respite or childcare in suburbs where the vaccine uptake has been slower. Money will also go to culturally specific and trusted community organisations to encourage vaccination.

Mr Andrews described it as a “last-minute push” to get vaccination levels as high as possible across all communities. However,he said ultimately people would have to make up their own minds.

“For whatever reason,there are a number of people[who] have chosen not to get the first and second dose,and I would respectfully say to them that they have made the wrong choice,they are far more likely to finish up in hospital than somebody who has gone and protected themselves by getting fully vaccinated.”

“We will continue to work with those communities,and we will continue to push and make the case and try and make it as convenient as possible ... going door-to-door almost,but ultimately people have to make their own judgements.”

Asked whether the government would consider bringing forward some freedoms so that Melburnians could travel to regional areas on the Melbourne Cup weekend,Mr Andrews did not rule it out.

“Lots of things become possible because Victorians have done an amazing thing,” he said. “I think that is a positive,to perhaps revisit many things because people have done exactly what we asked them to do in record numbers and in a record amount of time.”

20 new GP respiratory clinics announced

The new respiratory clinics will support 350 patients a week,providing COVID-19 testing and respiratory assessments,saving patients from visiting hospitals.

Health Minister Martin Foley said the clinics would be established in areas of high demand and would reduce visits to emergency departments.

The clinics will be established over the next six weeks. They will be available to people with or without a Medicare card and will be located in the local government areas of Hume,Wyndham,Brimbank,Moreland,Darebin,Moonee Valley,Melbourne,Maribyrnong,Melton,Casey,Greater Dandenong,Monash,Kingston,Cardinia,Whittlesea,Banyule and Boroondara.

The move to establish 20 new GP respiratory clinics comes at a difficult time for the state’s health system,which has experienced record numbers of Victorians seeking medical treatment in hospital emergency departments.

Doctors warned an increasing number of people with respiratory difficulties were arriving in hospital emergency departments,potentially infected with coronavirus,putting vulnerable patients and staff at risk.

A staff member on the Austin Hospital’s COVID ward.

A staff member on the Austin Hospital’s COVID ward.Credit:Wayne Taylor

Triple-zero calls reached record levels not seen since the 2016 thunderstorm asthma event late last month,prompting new warnings that the Victorian health system would struggle to cope with the expected rise in hospital admissions from COVID-19.

In the coming weeks as COVID hospitalisations are predicted to peak,hundreds of people who would usually get an emergency ambulance response will instead be managed by asecondary referral service and be spoken to by a nurse or paramedic.

Instead,they might be asked to go to their GP or make their own way to hospital.


Doctors also toldThe Age on Tuesday that urgent “category one”elective surgeries were being postponed because of the worsening bed shortage in Victorian hospitals. People suffering painful conditions that impair their ability to work have also found their operations cancelled to make room for COVID-19 patients.

The number of Victorians waiting for elective surgery has swelled by more than 15,000 people since the beginning of last year,and some surgeons now expect it won’t be until next year that many of the “distressing” restrictions on elective surgeries,aimed at freeing up hospital capacity,will lift.

On Tuesday morning,Mr Andrews said the government had tried to address the backlog last year,but the emergence of the Delta variant and new outbreaks meant it had to modify elements of elective surgery again.

“That was not a choice that was made lightly,” he said. “Next year there will be a big effort to catch up as well ... we will deal with that backlog just as fast as we possibly,possibly can.”

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