Sandira Sami and Sherif Abdelmalak pack boxes of rapid antigen tests at a warehouse in Sydney’s west.

Sandira Sami and Sherif Abdelmalak pack boxes of rapid antigen tests at a warehouse in Sydney’s west.Credit:Brook Mitchell

“We’re virtually running a distribution logistics warehouse. We’ve got people coming from everywhere,” said Robyn Carr,a senior asset manager who is helping oversee the NSW government’s effort to deliver millions of rapid tests and COVID supplies to every student in the state by Thursday.

Premier Dominic Perrottet on Monday said contact tracing in schools would be wound back in favour of the surveillance testing regime,which would launch next week and equip studentswith two rapid tests to take at home each week. Testing is not compulsory and schools do not need to record results,but positive tests should be reported to Service NSW as per the public health order.

The move has sparked anxiety from some parents,including advocacy group Covid Safe Schools which on Monday said it would take legal action against the department to allow families to keep children at home during the pandemic.

But the government has maintained its testing regime,mandatory mask requirements for teachers and high school students,and high teacher vaccination rates form “COVID smart” settings that will allow schools to resume in person. A government spokesperson said 92 teachers and 39 non-teaching school staff were dismissed as of January 20 because they were not vaccinated.

NSW Education Secretary Georgina Harrisson has asked parents to be patient as millions of rapid antigen tests are delivered to schools.

NSW Education Secretary Georgina Harrisson has asked parents to be patient as millions of rapid antigen tests are delivered to schools.Credit:Brook Mitchell

“There will be difficulties,there will be time off school but,in the main,we’ll have kids in the classroom,” Mr Perrottet said. He also thanked Education Department employees who had volunteered at the “massive military operation” delivering millions of rapid tests and masks to schools.

The department last week asked its corporate staff to join the effort and warned this might become typical practice in term 1;about 500 staff members volunteered to take part.


“We have an immediate need for corporate staff to help get supplies to our schools as quickly as possible,” the staff memo said. “Public service senior executive staff are working with their teams to identify where there are non-critical projects that can be paused so staff can book into shifts ... over the coming weeks.”

The operation has been in motion for 12 days,as office workers from the department ditched their laptops for hi-vis vests and wrapping machines. Some teachers have also arrived ahead of term to join the production line,packing thousands of pallets filled with rapid tests,face masks or air purifiers.

“We’ve gone through three wrapping machines because they’re overheating,they’re not used to working that much. Computer screens are burning out. It’s constant,” Ms Carr said. “Everyone’s bringing their little bit of knowledge. We can be sitting in there,saying,‘We really need another truck’,and someone will say,‘I know a truck driver.’ Everyone is just helping each other.”

Forklift drivers,who are in short supply,have also been sourced from friends or business contacts to move stock around the warehouse. Truck drivers then distribute those pallets to one of a dozen or so depots in Sydney and across NSW.

Once packages arrive,asset management workers from the department’s school infrastructure arm - whose day jobs might involve installing playgrounds or maintaining air conditioning units - turn up,often in their own cars,to take equipment to thousands of public and private schools.

In some cases this has involved several hours travelling hundreds of kilometres,ensuring that even the smallest schools in remote corners of NSW have supplies before face-to-face learning resumes next week.

Trucks of COVID supplies are loaded for distribution.

Trucks of COVID supplies are loaded for distribution.Credit:Brook Mitchell

Behind the scenes,others are making calls to suppliers,counting the pallets that come off trucks,or ringing various independent schools,Catholic schools or early childhood centres to find out their addresses,since they’ve also been included in the roll-out.

“This is not their standard day job they’re doing;they’d be used to working on repairs and maintenance for schools,they could be in the procurement team organising construction. From our chief executive all the way down,” said Lyn Corkett,the director of strategic sourcing in procurement who has been part of the team responsible for ordering supplies.


Ms Corkett said the department had processed and delivered 11 million adult face masks,5.1 million for children,thousands of air purifiers and rapid antigen tests “in the millions”.

Supplies for the first two weeks of school had all gone out as of Monday,and now the warehouse is preparing for weeks three and four.

NSW Education Secretary Georgina Harrisson said supplies would all arrive at schools in the coming days.

“Can I ask parents to be patient with your school? They will be in touch with you. Please be patient and we will make sure that the tests get to you and your families,” she said.

With Mary Ward,Daniella White and Lucy Cormack

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