A lot on his plate:Gavin Rubinstein,founder of The Rubinstein Group and star of Prime Video’s reality show Luxe Listings Sydney.

A lot on his plate:Gavin Rubinstein,founder of The Rubinstein Group and star of Prime Video’s reality show Luxe Listings Sydney.Credit:Rhett Wyman

It is undeniably a scene,the kind of place where people-watching is the dish of the day,and you wonder if the crowd is more concerned with whom they might bump into than what’s on the menu. Because it is so Grammable,you may also suspect that Mimi’s prioritises style over substance:if everything looks so good,does it matter how it tastes?

It is perhaps fitting then that Mimi’s is the restaurant picked by Gavin Rubinstein,Sydney’s undisputed pint-sized property prince and the star of Amazon Prime Video’s real estate reality show,Luxe Listings Sydney.

As Australia’s flashiest real estate agent selling luxury properties in the country’s most affluent market – Sydney’s eastern suburbs – Rubinstein is a magnet for conjecture. To some,he is a deal-making genius worthy of all plaudits. To others,well,he is all style,no substance.


Like Mimi’s,Rubinstein presents well. His suit is tailor-made and his shades are expensive,though not as expensive as his watch. “Patek Philippe 5711-R,” says Rubinstein,34,when I ask about the wrist gear. “I paid 70 for it,but it’s recently been discontinued,so it’s worth a little more.”

For those unfamiliar with Patek Philippe prices,that’s $70,000 not $70. When I ask how much more,Rubinstein instructs me to do my research. Turns out his watch has a current resale value of $500,000.

Welcome to the world of Gavin Rubinstein.

Of course,he’s familiar with the menu,so I leave the ordering to Rubinstein. “We’ll get the caviar to start,and then the rib eye,the snake beans,heirloom tomatoes and the duck leg cigars.”

“I come here a couple of times a month during summer. I love the vibe Justin[Hemmes] creates,he has the Midas touch,from the food to the service. He creates an unrivalled experience – it’s not dissimilar to how I approach real estate.”

In the interest of transparency,a disclaimer:this is not my first time meeting Rubinstein. In December 2020,I profiled him for another publication,and it was here I made the mistake of judging a book by its cover,or in this case,a real estate agent by his Instagram.


At the time,he hadn’t yet been tapped on the shoulder by Amazon,but people were already talking about Rubinstein. Voted Ray White’s top NSW agent based on commission seven times in a row,Rubinstein had just established his own office – The Rubinstein Group – under the Ray White umbrella.

But it wasn’t just his achievements that raised eyebrows – it was Rubinstein’s unorthodox approach. Using social media to market the luxury properties he was selling and himself,Rubinstein ruffled feathers. He hired a documentary crew to shadow his every move and regularly posted highly curated images to Instagram,usually featuring motivational captions such as,“Don’t follow the path,blaze the trail,” or “One step closer than yesterday.”

Real estate agents don’t have the best reputations,to begin with,but going into the interview,I feared I was in for a double whammy:part-time real estate agent,part-time influencer.

Black caviar and business calls. Lunch with Gavin Rubinstein involves a little bit of both.

Black caviar and business calls. Lunch with Gavin Rubinstein involves a little bit of both.Credit:Rhett Wyman

Instead,I ended up understanding that while it’s easy to poke fun at Rubinstein’s whole rise-and-grind mentality (and it is easy),you can’t argue with the facts. During the last 12 months,The Rubinstein Group has done more than a billion dollars in sales,with Rubinstein the top-performing principal over the Ray White group across NSW so far this financial year.

“You know better than anyone,what I do and who I am is not for everybody,but I thrive on turning a sceptic into a believer,” says Rubinstein,as our caviar arrives.

I take mine with the obligatory shot of vodka,but Rubinstein abstains,opting for San Pellegrino instead. “I haven’t had a drink in six weeks. I treat my year the same as the NBA players do:they play 82 games a year,and when they’re in season,they don’t drink,they focus on being healthy,staying sharp,” he says.


This is one of several NBA references made during lunch;Rubinstein is a big basketball fan,despite height being one of the few areas he does fall short.

“Please put it on the record – I am notreally comparing myself to an NBA player. I’m 5′1,maybe 5′2 if I wear boots,” he jokes. “But I learn a lot from the game.”

Back to the business of defying expectations. “I often meet with clients who spend half an hour with me and then say,‘You’re so not what I expected,’ and I end up winning their listing. I’m aware of how the traffic moves around me,but I think I’ve got a handle on it.”

He seems to have more than a handle on it,with Rubinstein’s profile (and profits) soaring since he was cast in Amazon Prime Video’sLuxe Listings Sydney. The show is Australia’s offering to the real estate reality TV genre – thinkMillion Dollar ListingorSelling Sunset.

While Prime Video doesn’t reveal viewership numbers,a spokesperson confirmed that season one was the biggest Australian Original on launch for the platform when it premiered last July.

For Rubinstein,the net gains are easier to quantify. “Based on me looking at what leads have come from the show that translates directly into dollars,The Rubinstein Group has seen a 25 to 30 revenue increase sinceLuxe Listings began,” he says.


“It’s also been a major recruitment tool;I get inundated with messages daily now from people wanting to join the team.”

Proving his point,Rubinstein hands me one of his two phones,and I scroll through an inbox heaving with unread messages.“You’re my biggest inspiration in real estate,can I please work for you?” “Keep doing what you’re doing,Gavin,grind until the grave king!”

A lot of love,but what about the hate? Shows like Luxe Listings Sydney typically attract two types of viewers:property porn fans or those who love to hate what they’re watching.

“There are still plenty of people calling me a f---ing wanker,but to be honest,I expected a hell of a lot more,” laughs Rubinstein,noting that the loudest critics are his competitors.

“Winners focus on winning,losers focus on winners,” he says in a quote worthy of an Insta-caption.

“Ultimately,they’re doing me a favour. I listed a luxury property recently,and the vendor said to me,‘Every other agent pitching for the business had bad things to say about you,but you didn’t mention anyone else,which means you must be doing something right,’” he recalls.

“I sold that property for $8.7 million and the next month sold her penthouse for $6.2 million.”


So,what does winning look like when you’re seemingly already on top? Well,there’s season two ofLuxe Listings Sydney premiering on April 1,not to mention an expansion of The Rubinstein Group,with plans to move into a new headquarters at Rose Bay this June.

When you shine so bright,it’s hard to avoid the glare.

When you shine so bright,it’s hard to avoid the glare.Credit:Rhett Wyman

“I bought the site 12 months ago,it was a steal at $5 million,and I’m spending $2 million on a fit-out,” says Rubinstein. The expansion will see The Rubinstein Group remain with Ray White but in a different capacity.

“I want to end my career in partnership with the White family. It’s like how Kobe Bryant – may he rest in peace – spent his whole career at the Lakers. I like that loyalty.”

Prioritising professional success has undoubtedly made Rubinstein a wealthy man,though he refuses to speculate on his net worth. “You want to know what I’m worth? Not enough,that’s the truth.”

It’s this kind of soundbite that makes Rubinstein the unofficial star ofLuxe Listings Sydney, but there must be a price to pay for his relentless work ethic. Selling houses for a living,but what about setting up a home?

Heirloom tomatoes,tamarind,purslane and the heritage wagyu rib-eye,beef garum,olive oil and lemon.

Heirloom tomatoes,tamarind,purslane and the heritage wagyu rib-eye,beef garum,olive oil and lemon.Credit:Rhett Wyman

“I have recently committed to someone,which I haven’t done for a long time. She understands I have no intentions of getting married or having kids until I have hit certain milestones,” he explains.

Presumably,this mystery lady is more likely to experience the rib-eye at Mimi’s than a home-cooked meal. Rubinstein may be many things,but he doesn’t strike me as an amateur chef.


“God,no,I never cook. I get meals delivered every Sunday for the entire week. If I had to cook for myself,I’d be f---ed.”

So the kitchen at his house is just for show,all style,no substance?

“No,there’s Fiji water in the fridge,Bollinger in the freezer and chamomile tea in the pantry. So you don’t want to come to my house for dinner,but I’m a good person to go to lunch with.”

Hard to argue with that.

Mimi’s,Coogee Pavilion,130a Beach St,Coogee;lunch and dinner Wed-Sun;merivale.com/venues/mimis

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