Detective Superintendent Jayne Doherty,commander of the sex crimes squad.

Detective Superintendent Jayne Doherty,commander of the sex crimes squad.Credit:James Alcock

The reports logged so far include recent sexual assaults,but most are “historical matters people have been holding on to”,Detective Superintendent Jayne Doherty said.

Doherty,the commander of the sex crimes squad,said reports via SARO would never trigger an investigation unless victims changed their minds about how they wanted it treated. For that reason,only people over 18 can submit a report as police are required to investigate any report of sexual abuse of a current child.


Reports made via SARO do not languish in an unseen database. The intelligence and data is collected by a dedicated detective and can be used to inform police about named offenders or trends that may assist them to make connections with other offences,understand offender behaviour,identify hotspots and ultimately prevent further crimes.


Many victims who don’t want to go through the court process themselves would still like to do something to stop abusers hurting others,Doherty said. “This is their opportunity to tell their story,and in their heart know they’ve provided some sort of safety net.”

She said the data collected may also throw a spotlight on “where we might have more barriers that we need to address” to support victims to come forward.

Hayley Foster,CEO of Full Stop Australia,said advocates have long called for the “important innovation”,and it’s no surprise that sexual assault survivors have rushed to use it.

“We’re really,really pleased that NSW Police have taken this decisive action because ultimately,as a community,we’re relying upon victim survivors coming forward to keep the[wider] community safe.”


She said there were many reasons why people did not feel comfortable,safe or confident in making a formal report to police,but recording their experience without having to commit to a “re-traumatising” court process “can be really empowering”.

People who make reports online via SARO are also provided with a reference number they can use to access counselling and other services from providers including Full Stop and NSW Health.

Sexual consent campaigner Chanel Contos said the new system has a “much more accessible format” and stressed the importance of promoting awareness of the option to potential victims. “Because I promise you,there are more,” she said.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics reported last year that instances of sexual assault had risen by 13 per cent on the previous year,and87 per cent of assaults went unreported.

Contos wants to see investment in promoting the existence of online reporting in universities and workplaces,and posters on bathroom doors.

“If people know about it,they’ll do it.”

Support is available from theNational Sexual Assault,Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732).

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